I've be aware that I've got OCD for years.....I rememer counting being an issue when I was little, and I'm also a hoarder too.....I save everything and have a really hard time throwing stuff out sometimes....but years ago I saw a special on the Discovery Channel about OCD and they suggested trying to reason with yourself "this is irrational, it's OKAY to throw this out" etc....and it did help me to try and change my self-talk and thought patterns and in turn that helped me to modify my behavior.
I have rituals that I have to do, or I feel like something terrible will happen....like at soon as I leave the house, I'm gripped with fear that I left the stove on (I have a wicked old oven/stove and it heats my apartment)....so I have to go back to check it, sometimes several times.....but mostly I have rituals about hand washing. When I was in highschool, I had "wash the school off my hands" as I would say, as soon as I got home. Now that they have Purell (instant hand sanitizer) I can't function without it.....I carry a small bottle of Purell everywhere I go. I use it constantly, everytime I touch anything like a doornob or anything that anyone else has touched.
Now....some of that started as just a health conscious thing....I saw a special on 20/20 years ago about how the common cold is spread when people touch their noses or eyes when they haven't washed their hands....so I NEVER touch my eyes or nose in public, I have to wash my hands or use Purell first. BUT I justify myself by pointing out that I hardly ever get sick. Case in point: everyone at my work is sick, but not me.....whenever I touch common areas, I use my Purell, and if someone else touches my computer keyboard or pen, I use disinfecting wipes before I will use them again.
In the ladies room, this is my routine. Open the door, head right for the sink. I first push the lever on the paper towel dispenser to release a towel, then I turn on the facet, use the soap from the soap dispencer, wash my hands, then I use the paper towell to turn off the facet (I used my dirty hand to turn it on, so I don't want to touch that!) then I use the paper towel to push the towel dispencer lever again to get another paper towel sheet to dry my hands completely. Then I can use the toilet. Then I repeat the aforementioned sink ritual, and I use a paper towel to open the doors until I get back to my desk, where I am in a "clean zone" and I can discard the paper towel.
In the winter, such as now, I have a pair of gloves that I use to touch things like door and such, to keep my hands clean. When I don't have gloves, before I had Purell, I would use the sleeve of my jacket to cover my hand, and open doors that way.
I know I have a problem, but I can live with it...it's not "out of control", so I'm okay with it. BUT not everyone else is.....I had one boyfriend who left me because he was freaked out by my rituals, his loss.
Thanks goodness for Purell!