The few seconds interview with Jaracz was bizarre to say the least.
I wonder if he was alluding to the data protection act, which means that people can keep databases as long as others are informed that they are on it and can have access to information held about themselves? Also, I wonder if there are any European directives relating to a paedophile's right to anonymity once they have served their term? I know the USA has Megan's law but we in the UK don't have that.
And what was that crap about we don't go beyond the things that are written. Does he mean the things the Society have said about child abuse? If so he is talking about WBTS policy as if it was scripture itself. If so, what blasphemy!
And another thing, JWs are always going beyond what is written. Except they don't because they interpret the scriptures to mean anything they damn well want. So what is written in the bible doesn't mean diddly squat.
My other thought on this, because it sounds to me like he is referring to a written article given to the press to answer their questions, is how can they NOT go beyond what is written if they have written it! Surely they need to update teachings in line with new light. Or does this now mean that NO new light will ever be forth coming because the GB have lost their bottle and will continue to regurgitate only what has been written before?
I think you are right D Wiltshire, it was baffle em with bullshit time! Either that or the man is going senile.
Edited by - dmouse on 15 July 2002 14:6:27