Hi serendipity and jgnat
Thanks for your welcome I really apperciate it. Living in Cyprus? I would love to, sounds like a nice place to live. The reason Im here is that I really appreciated the Garden paper. I myself have been in search of the 1st Garden of Eden over 4 years ago, through the scripts. What started out to be a curiosity is turning out to be real saga for mankind.
I think all the evidence and all the clues embedded in bible and all the other books are pointing to this location. I did a quick study on the Seal of Mari and found, its a descripition of the location with all the key features of the submerged location, particulary the 12 gates and the springs on top of the Mountain of God, the submerged mountain. I really feel that we are in the end process and the markers that Im finding talk about now and the submerged location and its all connected to Jesus and his message which is all about now, at this timeline.
Reading the Garden paper was a real parallel to my research and actually I think the author is correct. However I feel what he is describing is all in type of the location of Cyprus, its discovery and purpose. Somehow I feel going to the west a little there can be found the great sign which is found in all the scripts. This is the stone, this stone temple and soon a stone will be cut out of the mountain. I feel this is Zion, the location.
Also note as a personal witness to this revealing that there has been much connection and much leading to all the knowledge that surrounds this place of Cyprus. Very much having a thought, expressing it and then finding it reflected in scripture, very much beforehand experience. being led like, bit here, but there, stone upon stone. There seems to be a time parallel going on and I feel its all about judgment of mankind, I feel we are in the testing time which is for a set time and I also get the feeling is that what is found on the hill will be undeniable and will be the witness and I feel heaven will respond as in Rev 11 and Daniel 2.
This will eventualy be the greatest and most revealing family adventures on the planet that will still be known in a thousand years, undoubtedly. The Ancients of Days and Paradise Trinity are invloved in this for sure. It all the patterns of the Father in time/space unification of God and man.
Anyway some thoughts I thought I would share with you.