This isnt a plea for the LDS Church, but a plea for everyone to let go of "precious" and find their way back to God, to Love, whatever Path that winds up being. Thats all. Whether they want to call "God" the Tao or some other word. I thought I was really clear this isn't about the LDS Church, but about the hurt that we cherish after the JW experience, our "precious."
Hi JW Daughter and Crumpet. Thanks for understanding. Neither of you seems in the least Gollumish. Sheesh that reads stupid. Gollumish. Sounds like maybe its Sumerian. I hoped people would just read the post and start to think and maybe open up a bit more to God, however they conceive God. I thought, fo a while, there must not be a God since the JWs are so terrible.
Kid-A, get a grip on reality! I'd chase you down and kiss you if I was there. I don't post to advertise the LDS Church and if you had been wearing your thinking cap (my dad used to say that to me, yes I HATED it) as you read my posts you'd know that. I've stated over and over I don't literally believe the LDS Church. What my posts have been about it to try to encourage people to let go of the bitterness, fear, anger, and disillusionment and let God back in. Just as I posted before, I don't care if you call God the Tao, the Universe, Brahman, Nirvana, or Popsicle, just let that LOVE back in and let it give you hope and meaning again. I am the last one to conform, K-A. Again, if you had been wearing your thinking cap when you read my posts you'd klnow that I think Mormonism, and all religion, is mythology. How is that conformity? God loves you Kid-A. I can tell you that once you find your Spiritual Home it will seem all the more glorious for having been Trapped In The Tower.
jgnat, of course someone can criticize the LDS Church. I've already come across a number of such posts searching this site. So what? Criticize away. I'll be there like ug on ugly if it's not accurate. I simply don't care for diversionary tactics. They're silly and dishonest. I thought the mouse guy was being diversionary.
Full of doubt now, good for you! Your icon feels very free too. Why the LDS Church? I dont know if you've read my profile or any of my other posts. I chose the LDS Church because I was looking for one thing and one thing only: God's love. I don't care about doctrines. I care about fruit. I'm not a solitary person but very social. So I chose a group that was very alive, took good care of each other, took good care of those not part of the group, a group that showed love in their actions not just words. I tried pentecostals and baptists and methodist and lutherans and catholic and a bunch of others. I found my home in the LDS Church.
Scully, my feelings were hurt and I got a little emotional. I'm over it. Are you? God loves you Scully, because God IS love. The love you feel for your children, your siblings, your extended family, your friends, your neighbors, co-workers, your country, thats God. God is love. No that "God is a loving Being." John didn't say that. He said "God is love." Ther ground of being is Love. Now that takes faith, faith in ones own subjective experience of love.
FUNKYDEREK! YES THEY ALL SUCK! Even the LDS Church for a LOT of people! That's why everyone should find their own path to and in God. To divine Love. I have a sneaking suspicion you already have by the playful spirit of your post! I feel that same freedom, but I know that a LOT of people woulnt feel it in any organized religion.
Yours in LIFE,