I wish I could have gone to the March here in San Francisco, but I was sick this week and it just wasn't happening, my husband would have gone with me. But my daughter in law went to the March in DC, my Sister in law and her daughter went to the March in Austin Texas. I am so proud of all of them.
I think it was just a way to say that we disagree with the views espoused by Donald Trump. He is a vile, disgusting person. He has said a lot of of very hateful things about women, we have a right to say that we don't like him and everything he stands for. It was a peaceful protest, what could be more patriotic and American than that?
Trump has said there are no real protesters to his election, they are either paid protesters or violent extremists. I am sure he will just say the numbers are just being exaggerated by the media, just like he said they lied about how few attended his inauguration, be we saw what we saw: hundreds of thousands of people telling Trump to stuff it.
My favorite poster:
This gramma is passed off too.
Lisa 🌹