JoinedPosts by LisaRose
Women's March on Washington
by azor inmy support is with the marchers in washington and around the country today.
i was raised through my formative years by my mother and sister while my father was out of the picture.
they gave me the compassion i have today.
Women's March on Washington
by azor inmy support is with the marchers in washington and around the country today.
i was raised through my formative years by my mother and sister while my father was out of the picture.
they gave me the compassion i have today.
Women's March on Washington
by azor inmy support is with the marchers in washington and around the country today.
i was raised through my formative years by my mother and sister while my father was out of the picture.
they gave me the compassion i have today.
Thank you for sharing.
So, the Womens March ... What Is It For?
by Simon init seems like mobilizing after the election, which seems pointless.
i keep hearing demands for equal rights but don't understand what rights they are missing exactly.. normally a march is to show the support (and potential votes) for a cause, but ... votes for what?
... and the election happened already.. is anyone else confused?
I think many things said about Hilary were greatly exaggerated or untrue, but I am not going to rehash the election, it's over. I didn't even like her, so I am not going to defend her, nobody knows better than me that she had major flaws. I saw her as the lessor of the two evils.
But all Hilaries flaws don't make Trump any prettier and he is the one in the White House.
Women's March on Washington
by azor inmy support is with the marchers in washington and around the country today.
i was raised through my formative years by my mother and sister while my father was out of the picture.
they gave me the compassion i have today.
BTW, spot on about the crowd-size. Did you watch the press conference?
No, I subscribe to the Washington Post, which has great coverage, plus I have first hand accounts from my daughter-in-law.
So, the Womens March ... What Is It For?
by Simon init seems like mobilizing after the election, which seems pointless.
i keep hearing demands for equal rights but don't understand what rights they are missing exactly.. normally a march is to show the support (and potential votes) for a cause, but ... votes for what?
... and the election happened already.. is anyone else confused?
This is not an ordinary election, where one side just lost. I wouldn't care about that.
This is an election where lies triumphed over truth.
Where racial hatred triumphed over tolerance.
Where science is now suspect and a free press is not guaranteed.
Where a man who admits to worst kind of disgusting behavior towards women has been elevated to the highest office in the country. A vain, thin skinned, strutting peacock, who believes climate change is a hoax, who lies with impunity.
It's a tragedy.
Hell yes people are going to protest. Just voting for the other side is totally inadequate to this travesty. Everyone who has a conscience should be protesting. How else to make our voices heard? It's little enough God knows, but it's all we have.
Lisa 🌹
So, the Womens March ... What Is It For?
by Simon init seems like mobilizing after the election, which seems pointless.
i keep hearing demands for equal rights but don't understand what rights they are missing exactly.. normally a march is to show the support (and potential votes) for a cause, but ... votes for what?
... and the election happened already.. is anyone else confused?
Simon, why don't you just admit you like Trump now?
Really, you don't have to pretend anymore, own up to it, you will feel better.
Women's March on Washington
by azor inmy support is with the marchers in washington and around the country today.
i was raised through my formative years by my mother and sister while my father was out of the picture.
they gave me the compassion i have today.
I wish I could have gone to the March here in San Francisco, but I was sick this week and it just wasn't happening, my husband would have gone with me. But my daughter in law went to the March in DC, my Sister in law and her daughter went to the March in Austin Texas. I am so proud of all of them.
I think it was just a way to say that we disagree with the views espoused by Donald Trump. He is a vile, disgusting person. He has said a lot of of very hateful things about women, we have a right to say that we don't like him and everything he stands for. It was a peaceful protest, what could be more patriotic and American than that?
Trump has said there are no real protesters to his election, they are either paid protesters or violent extremists. I am sure he will just say the numbers are just being exaggerated by the media, just like he said they lied about how few attended his inauguration, be we saw what we saw: hundreds of thousands of people telling Trump to stuff it.
My favorite poster:
This gramma is passed off too.
Lisa 🌹
Hyper Tech
by IveBeenBitten inthis "world event" is a few years away but i'm in the field so i work everyday to prepare for it.. our technology is advancing at an exponential rate.
shit will hit the fan because of it.. even as a jw i knew this was coming.
in fact, i thought that's what the bible was talking about.
What is this "world Event"?
I was converted to the Jehovah's Witnesses in 1968. They made me believe the world was going to end in 1975. I was never going to have time for a career in this system of things, according to the Awake magazine. Things were soooo bad then, they couldn't go on much longer, the world must end soon. I made stupid decisions based on that belief and wasted a lot of years of my life.
Every generation thinks that things are worse than they have ever been and that the world must be ending soon. Stop the doom and gloom and go on and live your life.
Paul did not belittle women
by Doug Mason ini note the recent post that quoted 1 timothy 2:11-12 and colossians 1:23 which place women at a level that is lower to men.
the poster accused paul of this mysoginy, but that is not correct.. 1 timothy, 2 timothy, titus, colossians, ephesians and hebrews were written after paul's death.. paul was not a mysoginist; he made full use of women in leadership roles.
he wrote that in god's sight there is neither male nor female, for all are one in god's sight.. doug.
Bearing children is such a tremendous, fulfilling task, that it should satisfy any aspirations. imho, bsw
Hogwash. I am 62, my youngest child is 38. What was I supposed to do for the last twenty years? Sit at home and knit? Having children is wonderful, it doesn't mean that is all we can or should do. I am as domestic as the next woman, but I would be bored silly staying home all day keeping house. I had a successful career and then started my own business, and my husband is 100% supportive.
I do not feel that women are not equal to men, to the contrary, they have the superior position in life, more important to our arrival, survival, the beauty charm and warmth. why any lady would feel like a failed man, is not understandable to me.
Superior position, lol, I remember the Watchtower spouting such nonsense, which is a just silly excuse to justify treating women as less than.
I do not feel like a failed man, whatever the heck that means.