I fail to see how disregarding facts, logic and reason would impress any God worth worshiping, so I sleep really well at night and don't fear death, and I am probably closer to it than most here.
JoinedPosts by LisaRose
Evolutionist on their deathbed.
by Nimble duck ini would really like to read the thoughts of an evolutionist as they lie on their deathbed.
their "honest to nogod" thoughts.
their terrors.
Subliminal images - why and who are the individuals behind it?
by UnshackleTheChains ini remember about 5 years ago reading on another site about subliminal images in wt literature.
i honestly thought it a load of bs until i checked out one glaringly obvious image of a creepy skull in clouds within the knowledge book.
i was shocked and even showed my wife at the time who thought it was creepy.. so my question is why?
Meh. So what if they have subliminal images? There is zero proof that subliminal images have any effect on anybody anyway. The regular pictures themselves are toxic in their own right, not to mention what is openly written.
chasing me for a report
by Phoebe ini'm fairly new on here and i've told a lot of my story but to recap, after 60 odd years i've stopped going to the meetings.
my husband had already left the truth years ago and my children didn't become jws.(phew!).
i had a horrendous childhood growing up as a witness which included sexual assault by a close relative, also a jw.
I would just tell them that you have personal issues right now and won't be going into field service in the foreseeable future, but you will be sure and let them know if you do have any hours to report, there is no need for them to contact you. You don't need to tell them that that day will never come.
This organization is all about reporting and structure and dotting their i's and crossing their t's, meanwhile, people with real problems are being ignored and wrongs are not addressed if it's not convenient to them.
Congratulations on your work on healing from your abuse and getting out of this heartless organization, your life will only get better.
Would You Outlaw Jehovah's Witnesses If You Had Your Way?
by minimus ini still believe in freedom of religion even if i disagree with the beliefsof the religion.
what about you?.
I don't believe you can outlaw beliefs, it's just counter productive, it usually had the effect of making people more determined.
I do wish we were better at teaching critical thinking skills in schools, because teaching young JWs to think and question their beliefs will enable them to more easily break free. Sadly I dont think you can do much for the adults.
Opinions on family situation
by dogon inmy brother got married to a woman who was wild and selfish.
so for those who think i am just biased let me tell you the story.
he married her and about a year later she got pregnant.
I wouldn't get involved in that train wreck other than may be a yearly call to see how he is doing.
How do you get over all the things that you missed? The stuff you can't get back
by JW_Rogue inlook my life is not bad but sometimes i just think about all the normal things i missed out on.
and no i'm not talking about christmas and birthday parties.
i'm talking about your first kiss happening in your twenties instead of your teens.
Everybody has regrets about their life whether they were JWs or not. Yes, if I had to do over again I wouldn't have spent one minute in that hateful cult. But not everything about that life was horrible, I was healthy, I had friends, a good job, I raised two great kids. I missed out on a lot too, but I make a conscious choice each day to be grateful for what I have now and I don't dwell on what I missed out on, because that would mean the religion was stealing even more of my life and I'm not going to let that happen.
What is behind your choice of forum user name?
by stuckinarut2 injust curious how we all think.. what prompted or influenced your choice of username for this forum?.
there are some really amazing names, and it would be great to hear the stories behind them.... mine was nothing fancy.
i just felt "stuck in a rut too" along with so many others.
Welcome, Novicelocs14. If you ever go into a KH again I would love to see the looks on the faces as you walk in, lol.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo Ho. Kudos for a most original forum name, but now I have an earworm (song stuck in head).
Lisa is my real first name, rose because I love roses.
DA myself to relieve great pressure?
by Isambard Crater inmy lifelong mental illnesses, fuelled significantly by the borg, are very bad at the moment and result in me missing lots of midweek meetings, but i haven't missed a sunday in years except the occasional vacation.. the nature of my mental and emotional illnesses mean that i, as a physically in and mentally out pimo, take to heart very painfully admonishment from the platform to never miss meetings, preach all i can, and so on.. okay, i report 3 hours each month on average and no elder has ever said anything, but when they make comments on the platform, i feel such great guilt and shame, but also anger, as they do not understand my illnesses and when i do mention my situation to elders, they kind of minimise and joke about it.. some other sisters in my congregation started "officially" not attending midweek meetings a few year's ago because of their own health circumstances, but i know for a fact that some elders look down on them for this reason, not showing real understanding deep down even if they do on the surface.. i have reached the point where i want to hand in a da letter as a cry for help, or more like a clear indicator to them that when i say i'm not well enough to attend midweek, i really mean it and it's not just an excuse.
sure, i'm only 42, but i can still be too fragile to go out at night with a 30 minute drive both ways..
You say that you know it's not "the truth", but are still looking for approval and permission from the elders to miss meetings? Why? This is an organization that publishes accounts of brothers in Africa who walk miles and cross alligator infested rivers to get to the Kingdom Hall, why would you imagine the elders, who have no education or training in mental illness, are ever going to give you permission to miss meetings due to mental health issues? They have been trained to believe that their are no good reasons to miss the meetings.
I believe this religion is toxic to sensitive, guilt prone individuals. Instead of looking for approval from the elders, work on freeing yourself from Watchtower induced guilt, the elders only have the power that you give them.
I highly recommend meditation, it has been very helpful to me.
Dealing with Elderly Parents Who Still Believe the jw Religion is the truth
by lancelink ini left the religion back in 2008 right after my mother died,( the total lack of natural love/ affection was the final straw for me).. but my dad has become more and more focused on doing the wt bidding.. it just amazes me how he gushes on and on about the last days, his new bible studies, and meeting parts .
but yet he makes no effort to have any type of relationship with his grandkids, there are 5 of them , non are witnesses.
they are the children from several different sisters of mine, and myself.. so how do you deal with the witness stuff always being presented in conversations?.
I can see why that would be very difficult. On the one hand he has something that is meaningful to him, and of course he has a right to his own beliefs and it would probably not benefit him to lose it at this point. On the other hand it's hard to listen to him spouting nonsense without saying anything.
I guess if it were me I would not say anything unless he tried to get me to agree with him, in which case I would just respond "Dad, this is something that we have to agree to disagree on. Hey how about those (local team name)?
The denial of 1975 when and how did they go about it.
by Crazyguy ini was pretty young in 1975, all i remember was a few complaining at the hall after and those at the door that razed us over it.
does anyone remember how they went about denying it and when this started.
i do remember a scripture in psalms about people being mighty and living longer so this was used.
As 1975 grew closer the Watchtower was already back pedaling a bit about that date being the end. For a while not much was said about it, some people still believed it was going to happen any time, others did not, mostly people didn't talk about it. By the time the Watchtower did talk about it, they basically tried to shift blame, acting as if some people "went ahead of the things written" when the reality was that they did everything they could to make people believe that the world was ending while not actually saying so in so many words.
I am sure some left because of it, but most people accepted the half hearted explanation, because to do otherwise would mean that they would have to admit they were wrong to put their trust in the Watchtower and also it meant would have to do something about it, something most people were not willing to do. It was just easier to accept the lane excuse and go on with their way of life. I know because I was one of those people. Like many, I had invested years of my life in the religion and wasn't ready to face the possibility that it was all just a lie.