Do you have to believe in Jesus to be saved?
What is it you think you think you need to be saved from?
do i have to believe in jesus to be saved?.
i was raised as a jehovah's witness.
i was born in.
Do you have to believe in Jesus to be saved?
What is it you think you think you need to be saved from?
after being a jw made me lose trust in religion, from the lies, hypocrisy and greed of this organization made me lose faith completely.
what does one do after this mind f$%@, what is there to look forward to?
do i make up my own agnostic theory in head and hope for the best?
Nobody has all the answers, you are only deceiving yourself to imagine anything different.
Eventually you come to terms with this and get on with your life and make the best of your time here on planet earth, the world is full of possibilities.
i watched this video yesterday from this brave young north korean woman.
hearing her share her experiences living in her country and what the people go through on a day to day basis is so very similar to jws today and how we lived.. please watch and tell me your thoughts.. thank you..
I saw a documentary on North Korea a few years ago and saw some similarities between their situation and being a JW. I believe North Korea can be thought of as a giant cult. Their leader is considered to be all powerful, with special knowledge of what they need, the reverence given to him is not unlike the way JWs think of the governing body. Children practice all year to perform in front of the leader, it is considered a special privilege, disappointing him is a fear of every performer.
In North Korea, the U.S. is considered evil, they are told that the U.S. plots to deprive them of food and wants then to be destroyed. This is not unlike the way Satan/outsiders are demonized to JWs.
Information about the outside world is restricted, alternative voices are shut down. The JWs constantly talk about not believing or trusting any information from outside the organization. Yes, any JW has access to outside information, but how many of them are afraid to access that information, for fear of disappointing God and missing out on everlasting life?
Telling you what to think, who to talk to and what you should do are hallmarks of a cult, cults take many forms. Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses at not executed, but how many are disfellowshiped, a fate considered as bad as death to many JWs? The end result is the same, the remaining people fall in line, not wanting to risk everything.
back in march i fell and injured my back at work.
my back has been a problem for many years but certain exercise has able me to function normally through the years.
now i walk bent over with a cane and cannot walk very far, stand, or sit in a straight back chair.
The book I read was Back In Control, a Surgeon's roadmap out of Chronic Pain, by David Hanscom. Of course, in your case surgery may very well be your best option, but there are things you can do even so to help yourself. The guy that wrote the book still does surgery, so he is not against it per se, he discusses when it is and is not needed.
I thought myself I actually just had a case of Chronic pain, there seed to be no physical reason I was still in so much pain. I had been to many, many doctors, done two rounds of physical therapy, and tried everything I could think of with no results. I had determined to get off pain meds after seven years even so, when I actually stumbled a cross the real cause of my problem, a trapped and kinked up Psoas muscle (hip flexor) It's a deep muscle, not easy to get at, but I figured it out. Two months later I am off all narcotic pain meds for good, took my last three weeks ago. I really thought I would be on pain meds for the rest of my life, so I am pretty happy about that. My pain clinic actually asked me to tell them what I did in case it is helpful to other pelvic pain patients.
So never give up in searching for an answer, whether that is surgery or something else.
back in march i fell and injured my back at work.
my back has been a problem for many years but certain exercise has able me to function normally through the years.
now i walk bent over with a cane and cannot walk very far, stand, or sit in a straight back chair.
Think very carefully before surgery. I recently read a book on pain by a back doctor ( I have pain issues of my own, tho not back pain). He had had to accept the fact that many back surgeries are not needed. He started treating his patients for pain, giving them the tools to reduce pain without surgery. Many people found they didn't need surgery, those that still did had a better recovery.
His point is that everybody over a certain age has some adaptive damage or changes to the spine, yet some with the same spine issues have no pain, so it is not these changes that cause the pain, rather it is a matter of pain processing problems.
I am out right now, when I get home I will tell you the name of the book, it has been very helpful to me, I stropped pain meds three weeks ago, after seven years on them.
if, as jesus said, there is no marriage in the afterlife, will our sex drive be removed?.
sex without marriage is fornication, which is a no-no.. if i were young and healthy, being surrounded by young, healthy women, having the normal male libido would hardly be paradise..
Yipee, can't wait until I get to grow a penis. 😉
i remember one of the nights that i found out the truth wasn't the truth, that is after finding out about the united nations, i remember riding my bicycle from like 1am till 5am in the city night.
it was rather chilly, maybe about 55-60 degrees and i was playing pink floyd's dark side of the moon album in my earbuds.
just riding and riding, not really tiring because of the thought that 7 men in brooklyn had duped me, duped me for like 20 plus years.
I realized it was not the truth when It dawned on me that all joy had been sucked out of my life and that following the Watchtower's advice had resulted in me wasting 28 years in a bad marriage. I decided that if God existed he certainly couldn't be get any satisfaction out of my misery. I walked away and didn't look back, best decision I ever made.
i would really like to read the thoughts of an evolutionist as they lie on their deathbed.
their "honest to nogod" thoughts.
their terrors.
I fail to see how disregarding facts, logic and reason would impress any God worth worshiping, so I sleep really well at night and don't fear death, and I am probably closer to it than most here.
i remember about 5 years ago reading on another site about subliminal images in wt literature.
i honestly thought it a load of bs until i checked out one glaringly obvious image of a creepy skull in clouds within the knowledge book.
i was shocked and even showed my wife at the time who thought it was creepy.. so my question is why?
Meh. So what if they have subliminal images? There is zero proof that subliminal images have any effect on anybody anyway. The regular pictures themselves are toxic in their own right, not to mention what is openly written.
i'm fairly new on here and i've told a lot of my story but to recap, after 60 odd years i've stopped going to the meetings.
my husband had already left the truth years ago and my children didn't become jws.(phew!).
i had a horrendous childhood growing up as a witness which included sexual assault by a close relative, also a jw.
I would just tell them that you have personal issues right now and won't be going into field service in the foreseeable future, but you will be sure and let them know if you do have any hours to report, there is no need for them to contact you. You don't need to tell them that that day will never come.
This organization is all about reporting and structure and dotting their i's and crossing their t's, meanwhile, people with real problems are being ignored and wrongs are not addressed if it's not convenient to them.
Congratulations on your work on healing from your abuse and getting out of this heartless organization, your life will only get better.