Don't worry about long posts, people can read them or not.
Look, you are fighting for your life here. If you stay in this religion you will either cave to the pressure and go back to your husband, which will not end well for you, or you will live a half life of never really fitting in anymore and having people look down on you. As a person married to a disfellowshipped person that was pretty much my life. It wasn't good for me, and it wasn't good for my children.You should want better for yourself and your children.
I urge you to look into the history of the Watchtower. I think you will be shocked, as I was, that so much of what they say about themselves are outright lies. If you do this you will lose the illusion that this is "the truth" and free yourself from the tyranny of this organization. My only regret in leaving is that I didn't do it sooner.