Ignore it. No matter how well intentioned, it's a manipulation.
It's like you just got clean from drugs and your old dealer comes around again acting really friendly and nice. No matter how tempting, it's not in your best interest to engage.
a little advice please.. it's now 7 months since i stopped going to meetings.
we still get regular calls by elders - at least every 2 weeks.
i can handle them.
Ignore it. No matter how well intentioned, it's a manipulation.
It's like you just got clean from drugs and your old dealer comes around again acting really friendly and nice. No matter how tempting, it's not in your best interest to engage.
Don't worry about long posts, people can read them or not.
Look, you are fighting for your life here. If you stay in this religion you will either cave to the pressure and go back to your husband, which will not end well for you, or you will live a half life of never really fitting in anymore and having people look down on you. As a person married to a disfellowshipped person that was pretty much my life. It wasn't good for me, and it wasn't good for my children.You should want better for yourself and your children.
I urge you to look into the history of the Watchtower. I think you will be shocked, as I was, that so much of what they say about themselves are outright lies. If you do this you will lose the illusion that this is "the truth" and free yourself from the tyranny of this organization. My only regret in leaving is that I didn't do it sooner.
i see more people this year in an optimistic mood because of the economy.
will you be spending more money 💰 this year, or less or about the same as last year?.
Yeah, I have to say I'm spending a bit more this year. My husband and I have three kids between us and three grandkids, so it adds up, plus we are going to the East coast for Christmas.
I am sorry you had to go through that, it must have been a nightmare. I was very unhappily married for twenty eight years, so I feel for you, I know the toll it takes on you both mentally and emotionally.
I eventually realized that no God worth worshipping would expect me to live like that, and any religion that would expect it isn't worth belonging to. The fact that they were so wrong about forcing people to stay in bad marriages helped me see it wasn't "the truth" at all. I left him and the Jehovah's Witnesses and didn't look back. I've been very happily married to the love of my life for seventeen years now.
you dont have to be lonely, you really dont.
I am somewhat obsessed right now with this cover of Hey Ya by Obadiah Parker
the life saving message of death and gloom brought to a town centre near to you!.
It takes four JWs to man one literature cart? That's four hours service time being reported, while people surf the internet and the public walks by avoiding eye contact, for every hour that cart sits there. Very efficient if you need your hours, completely useless for preaching "this good news of the kingdom".
it's me again...with the question, if trump is impeached, the alternative is pence....well, it's not really a question but your thoughts...... who is he ?
& where did they find him ?
thoughts..... tor.
Charles Darwin never thought of evolution as anything other than a theory. He hoped that someday it would be proven by the fossil record but did not live to see that, nor have we . . . And now that we have recognized evolution as a theory, I would simply and humbly ask, can we teach it as such and can we also consider teaching other theories of the origin of species?" — speaking before Congress, July 11, 2002
i occasionaly get a magazine left on the porch of my house.
this time it was an awake.
is the world out of control?.
Of course they have to portray the world as hopeless and out of control, as all doomsday cults do. Fear is useful when manipulating people.
it's me again...with the question, if trump is impeached, the alternative is pence....well, it's not really a question but your thoughts...... who is he ?
& where did they find him ?
thoughts..... tor.
Interesting article in the New Yorker.
I think the dems are better off under Trump, as long as he doesn't start a nuclear war.
Pence has strong ties to the Koch brothers, and is a supporter of their agenda, he is very conservative socially, as governor of Indiana he supported a law that would make it legal for businesses to discriminate against gays.
here i am 63 years old, out of the cult going on 8 years, went through a year of therapy back in 2007, been working very hard to become the person i have always wanted to be.
but what happen to me a few days ago just blew me out of the water for the past two days.
i am now finally coming to grips with my emotions and understanding what caused me such distress.. here's what happen.
I am sorry you are still dealing with the repercussions of this abuse, but glad you are getting it all up and out. Sounds like this person has issues of their own, because her reaction seems crazy.
I hope you continue to heal.