Just before I posted the link, you were no doubt more than happy to make an equal comparison.
And you accuse me of speculation?
Secondly, elders don’t investigate abuse. All they are doing is attempting to corroborate an accusation (dealing with sin — the police deal crime).
What is attempting to corroborate if not an investigation? Spitting hairs.
Thirdly, you are lying. Where in print, or implication, is an attitude that abuse “doesn’t happen here”? Please prove that.
I well remember sitting in the kingdom reading the Kingdom ministry that said sexual abuse of children was very rare among jehovah's Witnesses, because they don't have Clergy or priests. I remember reading many times that Jehovah's Witnesses live in a "spiritual paradise". I was associated for thirty years, so I think I know what I am talking about and I don't appreciate being called a liar, please try to keep the discussion civil.
oruthly, you are ignorant of the two-witness rule (or playing ignorant). It’s an allegation, with corroborating evidence, including BUT NOT LIMITED TO, a physical eye witness. This is the base standard of all civilized justice systems.
Maybe that is the way the two witness rule should work, but in the hundreds of cases I have read about, that is not how it did work. Multiple cases may be spread out over many years, and over multiple congregations making it unlikely for it to be applied that way. It's not necessarily deliberate on the part of the elders, but more of a systemic problem, which the organization has not addressed.
Just to give you an example of some the problems that happen, in a case I knew of personally: This was my best friend, who had a young son that was sexually abused by a young brother she hired to babysit. At first the elders acted appropriately. The brother confessed and was reproved, the courts got involved, he was put on probation. About a year later the brother got engaged to a young woman with two children. My friend was concerned that this lady was unaware of the danger to her children, so informed her of his history. My friend was told this was none of her business, that the man was forgiven and given a clean slate, that if she said anything else about it she would be disfellowshipped.
I was astounded. These elders felt it was OK to put these children in harm's way with no warning to the mother. If you know anything about child sex abuse you know that there is a high rate of ricidivism. It's simply naive to think that someone is just going to stop abusing children because he said he was sorry and will have a wife now, that's not how it works.
Fifthly, you are just speculating about an alleged “conflict of interest”. The fact that very few elders are accused of child abuse means that there is no incentive for them to cover for each other.
So, elders don't investigate elders?
It's simple human behavior, in a small tight group such as an elder body It's hard to be impartial. It's not that the elders don't care or aren't trying to do right in most cases, it's the system that's at fault.