The book I read was Back In Control, a Surgeon's roadmap out of Chronic Pain, by David Hanscom. Of course, in your case surgery may very well be your best option, but there are things you can do even so to help yourself. The guy that wrote the book still does surgery, so he is not against it per se, he discusses when it is and is not needed.
I thought myself I actually just had a case of Chronic pain, there seed to be no physical reason I was still in so much pain. I had been to many, many doctors, done two rounds of physical therapy, and tried everything I could think of with no results. I had determined to get off pain meds after seven years even so, when I actually stumbled a cross the real cause of my problem, a trapped and kinked up Psoas muscle (hip flexor) It's a deep muscle, not easy to get at, but I figured it out. Two months later I am off all narcotic pain meds for good, took my last three weeks ago. I really thought I would be on pain meds for the rest of my life, so I am pretty happy about that. My pain clinic actually asked me to tell them what I did in case it is helpful to other pelvic pain patients.
So never give up in searching for an answer, whether that is surgery or something else.