Agreed, the woman had a duty to protect her children and should have been better informed, but I have found that some Jehovah's Witnesses tend to be a bit gullible and also put a lot of trust in fellow believers. It's not just JWs either, it's human nature to believe what we want to believe, to see what we want to see. The sad reality is that this woman went on to marry the pervert anyway. You can't fix stupid I guess. I often wonder about those children and how it turned out for them. At least my friend didn't have to feel guilty knowing she could have said something and didnt.
And yes, this is an unverified story. This is a discussion board, People come here to discuss their experiences, there is no way to know if any of them are true really, so people can believe the story or not, it doesn't hurt my feelings any. Frankly it's pretty mild compared to some stories I've read, so I don't get why it seems so unbelievable. I only used it to illustrate the disconnect between what the Watchtower says about protecting children and what actually happens in reality.