Hiya Kid-A. Couldn't work out what troll Alert meant at first. Guess you think I'm not for real.So I'll tell you a little about myself. Brought up in the truth. "Good" witness ( even an elder ) who believed less and less but was "happy" so why rock the boat.
Trouble was, my mariage wasnt good. Some of you may know the thing: you dont date unless you want to marry etc. How many bad mariages came from that sort of crap.Anyway, I decided to take the big step and get a divorce, and stopped going to the meetings.OK but I wasnt completely "lost"for them. But then I went and met another woman ( a Catholic of all things ). Was df'd 12 years ago. NOOOO
regrets, (miss the family but I'm strong enough to live with that ).Probably the main thing that angers me about JW's ( oh somebody tell me why JDubs) is this forced exile which hurts the "faithful" as much as us, but then we know their really into emotional blackmail.
I've been very angry with JDubs because of the reason I've just given. Now I'm less angry and just get on with my own life.Then just the other day, I found you all on the web and felt like talking to someone else who understod: because of course, those who have not experienced this " upbringing" ( my wife for example) cant really understand. And to be honest, I havent told many people what I used to be. Always afraid of a bad reaction at first, and then after the years go by.
Anyway, I've no desire to lead a crusade against my ancient captors, but I am gald to have found a way of talking with others like me.
I'm sure I'll tell you more in due course and wish you all every happiness.
Oh, my alias: I wanted to chose realist,because I think I am one , but it was already taken. I spent 10 mns thinking of another one and then all of a sudden this phrase came back to me. I have been set free.