Someone asked about how someone can determine what is sin and what is not. Without using the Bible or any other book to determine that for myself I try to just think logically about that. You can make the bold statement that what's right or wrong is just a matter of personal opinion but that type of thinking can become dangerous. What if someone feels it's okay to kill someone if they get mad at them? Some people actually do think this way. Whether or not something is wrong should be determined by whether or not that something puts yourself or someone else at risk of being harmed. Smoking dope does put a person in needless risk of being harmed. It fries brain cells. I would say that it's wrong but then I wouldn't judge another person as being bad just because they do that. As if smoking pot negates all of the good qualities that the particular person might have.
Another thing is the matter of "fornication". That's a tough one there because I have to admit that it is better to wait until marriage for sex but that's almost impossible for most people. I do see the harm that it can cause by exsposing yourself and someone else to the risk of getting a disease or exposing any future children to the risk of having to grow up with his mother and father not being together. Personally, I avoid one night stands or just using someone for sex. But, if I'm in a relationship with someone I can't wait till I'm married to that person to get some. I guess that's just an imperfection that I have. Does that mean I'm evil? I don't think so. Reasonably, there are levels of seriousness of things that are right and wrong. At least in this situation there are two consenting adults.
Everyone.......EVERYONE does things that are wrong or just not beneficial at times but, like I said before, that doesn't mean that they have no good qualities and are just worthless scum deserving of death. If that were the case then the one judging someone else would have to judge himself with the same judgement. He's not perfect is he?