I have enjoyed this allot, this is more cooler than the mavel comics universe, does that mean that spider-man is in heaven, and that heavens not real or that I am not real and I am spider-man in the negative universes head of the anti-me? Corey
JoinedPosts by Core88
A Big Miracle - God is Love
by David ben Jesse ina big miracle
i composed an instrumental song "god is love" and sent it as an mp3-file via email to a christian music publisher.
every time the song was cut in half, the rest was missing.
Table of who???
by Core88 inhi everyone here is something i think is wrongly translated in the nw bible, and it bothers me.
you cannot be drinking the cup of jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partaking of the table of jehovah and the table of demons.1 cor.
10:21, nw.
I am intrested in your view, on the Trinity. I growing up a JW have never considered it as true and yet I get a kind of peace of mind when I think of Jesus being God. And I find it hard to think of anyone else being worthy of this "worshipful reverence" then the ONE GOD alone. For Jesus himself proclaimed this to the Devil at Matthew 4:10 "Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." Moreover whom do you then personly beleive Jesus to be, hopfull not Micheal the Archangel, which after taking a look into that I don't see how that matches up with the Bible however that is what JW's believe and I guess what I believed for so long...although now that I think about it I don't think that I ever was consciencely convinced of that. Umm? But anyway I hope I am not coming across as a know it all because that's just it, I don't! ANd that's a hard thing to say after living life KNOWING, I had the "TRUTH whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH"....so help me GOD! Personaly I don't know if Jesus is God or the first Angel or a man or some mix of all three or none of those things at all. However I do think that the Trinity makes more sence then I thought it did, and that goes for some of the arguments I have heard that support it. (SOME not ALL) Anyway thanks for the feedback, I enjoy these free and open dicussions on the board! Corey
Any positive experiences with the JWs?
by greendawn inwe all talk about our negative experiences with the jws and no doubt most were negative but weren't there any positive experiences with some of the few decent jws around?
i recall an old jw who was of the anointed and who was very benign, knowledgable, supportive and opposed to much that the dubs were doing especially the lack of love among the congregations.
also another very good natured dub who would always reward me whenever i gave him a little help with his business.
I'll never forget allot that I grew up experiencing in teh org. very fond times the best in my life. Growing up had problems but nothing in comparison with my last few years on the "outside". There are many reasons for this and I more then every feel that they teach wrong stuff, however the "good times" I had growing up with loving parents and loving suppotive and funny older ones and younger ones alike will most likly never be replaced or toped again in this world. To all those not hearing my thoughts at this time because things have changed between us since those days; if we never talk again.. know that I love you. Forever. Corey
Table of who???
by Core88 inhi everyone here is something i think is wrongly translated in the nw bible, and it bothers me.
you cannot be drinking the cup of jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partaking of the table of jehovah and the table of demons.1 cor.
10:21, nw.
Thank you Neo. It seems a little more clear to me now as to why the Society would not want you thinking that the Lord mentioned there refers to Jesus, if that text has an old testament counter part refering to Yahweh. The more I really look at the New Testament the more clearly it becomes that the writers where more or less teaching that Jesus is God...there are other places too that have caught my eye, maybe I'll go into those later I am very tierd now. Do you believe in the trinity what religion are you now Neo...if any? I have thought that maybe the Islamic view of God is right because the "oneness" feels right based upon my background as a JW, but when I look into the Bible which I trust more, also because of my JW background I find it truly supports the Trinity WAY more than I was ever lead to believe and that feels right too. I just don't know where to go from here in my view? I keep coming to things in my research that say "this is the truth the Trinity", but it's hard to change your mind set after so many years! I too really find the idea of partaking in the Eucharist, to be an exiting one, but I don't want to do it for the wrong reasons. With the weight put on it in scripture, the different beliefs as to weather or not it turns into flesh and blood, and my long held beleif that I will not be going to heaven and am not one of the ones "chosen" to partake of the bread and wine, I don't know if I am ever going to be partaking of it in good conscience. Thanks again. Corey
Table of who???
by Core88 inhi everyone here is something i think is wrongly translated in the nw bible, and it bothers me.
you cannot be drinking the cup of jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partaking of the table of jehovah and the table of demons.1 cor.
10:21, nw.
Hi everyone here is something I think is wrongly translated in the NW Bible, and it bothers me. “You cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partaking of ‘the table of Jehovah’ and the table of demons.”—1 Cor. 10:21, NW. VS another (more common?) translation "Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of demons: ye cannot partake of the table of the Lord, and of the table of demons."-1 Cor. 10:21 ASV Now reading this in context the auther in this case Paul is telling first century Chirstians to flee from idol worship. And a few verses before this he says: "16. The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a communion of the body of Christ? 17. seeing that we, who are many, are one bread, one body: for we are all partake of the one bread.". Clearly to me that is what he means later when he is talking about the "cup of the Lord" and the "table of the Lord" while the NW verse makes seem to be talking about the alter which is called the "table of Jehovah" in the Hebrew Scriptures. That would not make scence though because to my knowledge none of those called Christians at that time would be serving at a Temple and thus there would be no "alters of Jehovah" for the to partake of at that time, as the Christian movement was a verging away from the Jews of Isreal. The only table for the Christians to partake of then would be the Communion meal. AKA the last supper or the Eucharist or Lords evening meal.) Is this a good conclusion, I after looking hard into it believe it to be. Corey
MOve on!???
by Core88 inok so i am a ex-witness,(disfellowshiped) i have posted here before...but i must say why have'nt we moved on?
come on i mean if we all really thought that the jw sect was just that then why are we not trying to forget it and let life go on as it has; and try to be true to ourselves and our neighbor and read jesus words as recorded in the bible?
i have been reading my bible on lunch breaks at my work, as well as reading in the dhammapada.
Just so you all know, when I first posted this "move on" thread, I was in my what if the WTS is right mind. I posted to you all "as if" you were the spiritual criminals that the JW leaders say you are and tried to suttle influeance you to stop, your being evil. Sorry, I am still sorting though things and go "back and forth" with different views in my head. I think it is wrong to judge people but for years that is exactly what I was taught and trained and give rewards, to do!~ So I am working some dark shit out by posting here, sometimes I just fall into the self righeos me of the past. Some saw through it, for why would I post here if I have no problems and have moved on??? Corey
MOve on!???
by Core88 inok so i am a ex-witness,(disfellowshiped) i have posted here before...but i must say why have'nt we moved on?
come on i mean if we all really thought that the jw sect was just that then why are we not trying to forget it and let life go on as it has; and try to be true to ourselves and our neighbor and read jesus words as recorded in the bible?
i have been reading my bible on lunch breaks at my work, as well as reading in the dhammapada.
hard to be me, honestly, talking, talking... sorry to have made some of you mad!! Corey
I Need Help
by Core88 inhi, my name is corey, i live in indiana, so much to tell, allot of witness history.
i was a ms and regular pioneer for two years...got df'ed, don't know what to do or if i believe in god or not now...have had a few beers tonight, got mad at my gf.
First and formost, a big thanks to all those who responed to my post! I have made peace with my GF for all who may be worried about that. She is strong and good to have put up with this for going on 3yrs now. SHe new next to nothing about the JW's when we first meet and I felt very wierd trying to tell her about it (since she is a worldly outsider, how could she possible relate. So I thought) but she knows quite a bit, even stuff I did'nt know when I meet her, because of some of the documentary's and pod-cast's and articles on the internet I have read and shared with her since. (ex. eight foot tall parimid at the grave site of C.T. Russle). So she is kind of used to my "lose of control" ever now and again, although I have made allot of progress in that regard. Mouthy, I would like to thank you for your heart felt reply, you are like a grandma to a person who lost both of there's to soon in life! And I do still have faith in God, I have been reading the Bible this past year more than I ever did inside the organization! IT's strange you say pray to the Holy Spirit, because I have been praying for the Holy Spirit more this year than ever before in my life. In my Bible reading I now take things more at "face" value than I did before, like where Jesus says, "if you although being wicked know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will you Father who is in the heavens give Holy Spirit to those asking for it?" and you know what, I pray for it by Name now. Before I would ask God to help my with my sinfull attitude but now I ask for the Holy Spirit, itself. My mom after being in the "Truth" for 40+ yrs. and raising four kids in the organization during all that time and dispite her knowing that the socity it's self encourages daily Bible reading can't seem to read it daily, at least by itself; outside of the daily text and/or the magizines. Thinking deeply about this especaily since I had been reading it, (and we all know I am spiritualy dead...lol.)on a daily basis, thought about how I never read it while on the inside, and came to the conclussion that if you try and read it on your own as a JW you have to not "think" about it lest you come to the wrong conclusion, thus you (or at least I) find it very non-interesting while you read it solo with-out back up from the "rightfull" interpreters the GB! Thus why read it! I think that's one of the reasons that despite everything I still have never to this day read it cover to cover! Anyway I am off work this week on vacation from my job and just wanted to say yes I have many problems still and they are on a daily basis, but I am couping, and your remarks have helped me allot, thank you for the kindness so far my true Brothers! Corey
I Need Help
by Core88 inhi, my name is corey, i live in indiana, so much to tell, allot of witness history.
i was a ms and regular pioneer for two years...got df'ed, don't know what to do or if i believe in god or not now...have had a few beers tonight, got mad at my gf.
ok, thank you.
I Need Help
by Core88 inhi, my name is corey, i live in indiana, so much to tell, allot of witness history.
i was a ms and regular pioneer for two years...got df'ed, don't know what to do or if i believe in god or not now...have had a few beers tonight, got mad at my gf.
It's hard to open up and be honest about how I feel and my problems..I have many...I tend to go on about things that just touch on my personal trauma. One of my problems is that just recently my sister was put in a stress center for trying to OD on pills to end her life. She is a witness and I read that bit on Randy's site in the Pycho section about personality disorder in the society, and it makes sence to me, allthough I am no doctor I could myself relate to having different "faces" for different times while I was in the the group which was every year of my life up until 3yrs ago, I acted very differently depending on the situation. I don't know if that is my sisters problem, but I would really like more info on that at least for my own sake, it feels good to identify with things. She (my sister) is a new mother, I was DF'd shortly before her first "breakdown" a few years back now. I rember that the first thing my parents did was make it a "Spiritual" problem. And I watched as she covered over her feelings and started to date again the man she had left right before these mental problems... Well that man a MS in his congragation in Kentuky (I suck at spelling) is someone that reminds me of a child in his mentality. She married him with in months of being let out of a mental ward. Two months later BAM, she got pregnant. And now a stay at home mom, after being in the work force for 16yrs, is trying to OD on pills just to cry for help. That is the recent news in my world. I have not gone into my own problems with being a new dad, of a great son...great but not planned. ANd trying to deside if I want to marry his mom after these last few years of being with her and losing my virginity to her, and making her my wife, or leaving her. And weather or not to go back. I tend to blame her for being DF'ed although I know it was my choice to SCREW her. Core88 PS sorry for the bad writing of all this, just blurting it out, have to get it out!