Free labor! That's all it is. I would have never thought of it this way if I was still in. Amazing how they are able to get something for nothing and make it look like it the theocratic thing to do.
JoinedPosts by earthtone
Theocractic Assignments
by The wanderer inliving in florida
known as the sunshine state with its beautiful sandy white beaches its attractive.
amusement and theme parks, it offers tourists and visitors a paradise like setting.
Scientists can now selictivly erase... err... hmmm... I forgot....
by Elsewhere inlooks like they have created the equivalent of the neuralyzer from men in black.. torture?
no, i don't remember being torchered.... that's odd, i swear i used to have 10 fingers!
I wish they could remove from everyone's memory any and everything about the WTS. Now that would be using research for the benefit of ALL mankind
by badboy in.
i understand from another thread that there were instances of this.. know any?
I had a couple of drink's before a turn 21 with a few of the friends. They would be like coolers or a weak mixed drink. But they always mad me call my mom first, and ask if it was okay. Depending on who I was with, she would say yeah, okay. I never drunk around people who wouldn't take care of me or I thought I would get in trouble with. But I knew alot of young witness who drank like they were 21 and were under 18
Does anyone know what to do when a dog attacks?
by restrangled inthis evening i was walking one of my doberman's, he is 103 pounds.
he was perfectly behaved at my side.
out of no where an oversized pitbull charges us from across the street.. there was a terrible fight and i'm screaming help, help at the house where he came from.
Thaks for the words of caution Mkr.I never said it couldn't happened but alot of times kids DO, provoke the dog. And I'm not saying YOURS did. Regardless of how sweet I think she is, she is still an animal. She does not reason like we do. So I would NEVER put anything past her, but I won't lump all dogs together because of what a few do. And I do appreciate your counsel Mkr. It reminds me to remember what I just wrote.
How old was your akita when this happened? I noticed you have two little girls. Do you think your akita was jealous? I do worry about how she will react to a baby that is a permnant fixture in the house and that get's more attention than her.
Had she been trained? I ask this because I'm thinking of taking her back for more training, just to stay on top of things. I'm kinda of a pushover and I know I must always remain alpha with this breed.
I saw Mariah Carey in Concert last night!
by Flash inshe was great!
its a pleasure to see her sing in person.
the fact she has no inflated ego really adds to being there.
Yeah but she is mainly hip hop and R&B.
Actually Janet is having a listening party for her new CD in chicago in the near future. It's by private invite, so you can only win tickets off the radio. It will be cool to go though. She will probably perform for a little bit
Missing the friends left behind
by The wanderer inmissing the friends left behind
miss any of their friends that they left behind in the organization.
understandable in a way, why they feel the way they do.
the problem is to be successful in the troof you have to be willing to sacrifice friends for the Borg. When the BORG tells you not to associate with someone you must heed .
Exactly!. It because you equate everything the Borg say's as Jah sayiing it. You then feel like you are disobeying God if you don't follow through. But you don't realize this until you leave. You don't start thinking about how much of this is man's law.
Missing the friends left behind
by The wanderer inmissing the friends left behind
miss any of their friends that they left behind in the organization.
understandable in a way, why they feel the way they do.
Me and my bestfriend are still friends (now) but I wonder what she would say if I told her I was an apostate. I honestly don't want to think about it. When she got df'd I shunned her but only because I thought it was the right thing to do not because my love was conditional. She is the sister of my heart. I feel she will do the same for the same reasons. Hoping , just like I hoped, that I will turn around. And not for any other reasons.
Did you fall for the "hype"?
by seahart inanyone here fall for the (what should have been straight to video) hype of snakes on a plane.
i am proud to say i saw right through it.the studios are getting wise on how to use the internet to do the dirty work for them.
they must have saved a ton and maybe even made a little.
Because it's suppose to be funny and not taken too seriously. Everyone who has seen it claims it really good, believe it or not.
You know what I am sick of it
by hambeak ini am doing fine and i will do what the doctor says take chemo the witnesses came by my home today and i don't know how they got my address they don't really know about me or my lifestyle or any of my health problems.
when i wanted some help in the past there were no real friends just go to meetings and kiss up to the click in the congregation.
katiekitten you're great.
Hey, you stop that mixing medicine with alcohol crap! It may damage your liver.
I also agree with Arthur. It may be as simple as telling them to not call on you anymore. They will label u a goat and move on. As far as your kids are concern, I hate to say it but you are going to have to adopt a don't call me unless I (or to really piss them off say jake. hehe) call you attitude.
Does anyone know what to do when a dog attacks?
by restrangled inthis evening i was walking one of my doberman's, he is 103 pounds.
he was perfectly behaved at my side.
out of no where an oversized pitbull charges us from across the street.. there was a terrible fight and i'm screaming help, help at the house where he came from.
Guy's how can you say this about ALL pitbulls. I don't have one, in fact I had a fear of them until a friend of mines got one and they are so sweet. Pitbull use to be known for being family dogs until they got breeded for their aggresiveness. If you go through a good breeder, they will breed their dog with only other dog's of good temperment. It's because of a few bad incident's that ALL pitbulls get a bad wrap! This is so sad, if you could see them with children and how loving the majority of them are you would not believe the hype.
I also have what is considered an aggressive dog. She's an akita and is a sweetheart. Kid's love her and she loves them. My little brother and nephew were just here this past weekend and they wore her out playing. Because she is so big, I would always supervise play time. In fact I would say alot of dogs are provoked by children who don't know any better. Several times I had to tell my brother and nephew to stop jumping on her, so as not to irritate her.
For the most part with other dogs she is okay. She times she doesn't like a dog and will bark at them, but that is the minority not the majority of the time. I would say 80 percent of they time they are barking at her and she is whimpering because she wanted to play with them.