"Nugoddallupinus" or somesuch.
I guess I still believe in a god of sort but maybe I just want to
"Nugoddallupinus" or somesuch.
I guess I still believe in a god of sort but maybe I just want to
what happened to all the people who died before c.t.
for thousands of years, there were no j.w.'s.
I believe they think that there were only very few faithful christians between the first century and russel. All the rest are supposed to be part of christendom.
i remember asking an elder once, "what do you think about meditation?
" he responded that we should not relax and open our minds, as opening our minds can let demons in.
i thought that seemed like a odd response, and looked it up in the watchtower, and sure enough he gave the societies views on meditation.
I have been really wanting to experiment with meditation but don't know where to start
<!-- .style1 { font-size: 18px; font-family: georgia, "times new roman", times, serif; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style5 { font-size: 16px; font-family: georgia, "times new roman", times, serif; font-weight: bold; } --> gods organization has needed adjusting defending the watchtower, many jehovahs witnesses.
point-out the changes that have taken place are nothing more than .
adjustments in understanding.
maybe but not false prophecies
below are three astonishing experiments with dna which proves that dna can heal itself according to the "feelings" of the individual as reported recently by gregg braden.
in his recent program entitled healing hearts/healing nations: the science of peace and the power of prayer, gregg braden discussed how in the past we lost huge amounts of information from ancient spiritual traditions (when the library at alexandria burned we lost at least 532,000 documents), and that there may be information in those traditions which could help us understand some of the mysteries of science.
to this end he reported on three very interesting experiments.
So the force really does exist, I knew it!!!
how did noah put bitumen on the underside of the ark, did he get his family to lift it up allowing him to slide under and paint this on?
the underside being the most important face to be treated needed to be waterproof to make sure it did not allow leaks to occur, and had to stand up to extreme conditions for a whole year.
Jehovah parted the "red" sea I am sure he could keep water out of the ark, duh.
how did noah put bitumen on the underside of the ark, did he get his family to lift it up allowing him to slide under and paint this on?
the underside being the most important face to be treated needed to be waterproof to make sure it did not allow leaks to occur, and had to stand up to extreme conditions for a whole year.
Jehovah parted the "red" sea I am sure he could keep water out of the ark, duh.
have biblical apologists satisfactorily explained the blood-drenched biblical passages in which jehovah orders his people to wipe out every living soul - young, old, men, women, child, infirm - in the territory they're told to invade?.
who needs bin laden when you've got jehovah?
or is jehovah excused because he's truly mightier, like, because he's the creator he can call the shots, no matter how much and who's blood is shed?
kill em all let god sort it out.
wait a minute he told us to kill em.
Doesn't seem right to me but better do it wanna stay on his good side you know.
i've heard many times that there are some congo's in the us where you can have a neatly trimmed beard and it's perfectly ok. i have never been allowed and havn't known of anyone who could.
how about other countries?.
elders, why can't i have a beard and be able to be a ms?.
because they are pharisies and like to heap laws upon men so they will feel important
i just had this site pointed out to me.
a great resource for researchers.
follow the links to many district & circuit assembly programs and many mp3s of talks from them.
great now we can get that boring crap piped right into our homes