How would you rather have had it? Interesting well writen post.
JoinedPosts by jaguarbass
by Terry inmy boomer generation was reared in front of a tee-vee set.
our view of life on planet earth (not to mention elsewhere) is framed inside a rectangle of voyeurism.
movies consisted of a larger rectangle with better sound and cushier seats.
Talented Witnesses
by Zico indid anyone know any witnesses who were really talented at something and gave it up in order to 'put jehovah first'?
i find it really sad that the watchtower society can restrict such talented people from fulfilling their dreams in order to chase those empty promises of a paradise earth, in a similar way that they stop intelligent people from going on to higher education.
in my congregation there is a really skilled football (soccer) player.
The Water Tower Society the great killer of dreams. They have left many in their wake wondering what mita coulda woulda should been done.
If you dont know what you stand for youll fall for anything.
Last Days on Earth tonight
by curiousone injust a reminder that 20/20 is having a special 2 hour edition tonight at 9 p.m. eastern and 8 p.m. central time, titled "the last days on earth".
could be quite interesting.
hope to hear comments tomorrow.
Ive been hearing about the last day on earth since I can remember hearing anything maybe 4, 5 years old. I'm 53 now. It just keeps going on and on and on like the energizer rabbit. I wouldnt worry about it. Unless you can do something about it.
Need marital advice
by lost_light06 ini need some serious advice.
i just found out my wife has been emailing some guy she met at her work.
she gave him her cell # and said she wanted to get together and connect.
The Society trains men to be woosies! Dont fight! Dont make a mess! Dont make trouble!
If a man beats the crap out of somebody 1 of 2 things usually happens the police are called and somebody goes to jail, or the guy that got beat up gets a gun a comes back and kills the other guy. Then he goes to jail. This plays out over and over -
Need marital advice
by lost_light06 ini need some serious advice.
i just found out my wife has been emailing some guy she met at her work.
she gave him her cell # and said she wanted to get together and connect.
She gave him her cell # and said she wanted to “get together” and “connect”.
To me it sounds like you already lost your wife on at least one level. Theres lots of fish in the sea. People dont like change but sometimes its forced on us. Good luck.
Tell Me How You All Are
by Good Girl or Bad Girl? inhello my jwd friends:.
i haven't been here for a while and i have been thinking about y'all.
post here and tell me how you are doing!
Hello Good or Bad girl nice to meet you. Im new here. Whats on my mind is next week I'm on vacation and Im going to go see Jeff Beck in concert.
Son moved in to college / mom feeling the blues
by flag in.
ok, it is time to salute the "flag".. .
actually i need a little bit of your support and or suggestions.. my son moved in to college (sdsu) this past weekend and although i'm very proud of him i'm starting to miss him.
Its called the empty nest syndrome, it sucks. You might have to get a hobby or find a way to occupy yourself. I think I bought a Harley when my son joined the navy.
Flordia Residents .. What is happening now?
by xjwms inwhere are you in flordia?.
are you boarding up.
or are you packing up?
Tampa Bay Fla 9:20 pm lightning and sporadic drizzle.
Hello. Welcome me! Welcome me!
by raylo inhiya folks.
just joined on board and figured i'd say a quick hello to all.
i'd get into more, but i'm soooo watching this ingrid bergman marathon on right now on turner classic movies...
Hello Raylo.
Questions for those born or raised in the truth
by The wanderer inraised in the organization
"for those not born into the organization .
not having been born into the organization i believe.
For those of you who were raised in the organization could
you provide some insight as to what the life of one of
Jehovah's Witnesses was like having been born into it?What was it like not participating in sports, holidays and
school activities in general?It SUCKED! There was nothing good about that.
To this day I look in disdain at those adults who mislead me. I can not get close to my mother or have good feelings toward her, even thought she has apologized. I forgive her.
I have been out of the borg since 83, But I still have my bad days and moments.