Galileo, you need to get up to speed before you enlighten anybody.
Do your homework.
yes apparently the staff at the twin towers on 9/11 didn't notice the explosives strapped to all the beams on each floor......of course a plane fully loaded with jet fuel going so fast it nearly flew through the building {blew out the otherside} would not be enough to cause a collapse.
the building were glowing red!
people jumped due to the heat and smoke.
Galileo, you need to get up to speed before you enlighten anybody.
Do your homework.
unemployment is skyrocketing, the markets are crashing.. a several thousand year long struggle is coming to an epic conclusion.. a new order is on the horizion.. prospects of knowledge, advancement & unity.. unite the chosen ones, speaking the chosen language.. your saviour has brought you this far, imagine what the future will hold.. change the world.. .
the catch?
billions must die.. .
Is this scene out of the Watchtower? Or the Third Reich?
I think it is the philosphy of the New World order being ushered in by Daddy Bush, which is probally similar
to the Third Reich of the Holly Roman Empire.
Its Globalization, The Bush Family played both sides during world war 2 as did many globalist.
The Georgia Guidestones call for a smaller population,
They leave it up to sinister minds to figure out how to achieve the smaller population.
yes apparently the staff at the twin towers on 9/11 didn't notice the explosives strapped to all the beams on each floor......of course a plane fully loaded with jet fuel going so fast it nearly flew through the building {blew out the otherside} would not be enough to cause a collapse.
the building were glowing red!
people jumped due to the heat and smoke.
I work for the government, they are nothing but a buch of liars.
Liars and thiefs.
Everything is censored and processed. Censored with the direct threat of loosing your job if you talk to the media
about anything..
Its sickening.
They have p.r people for that.
The bigest consipracy is the acting and lies Chaney and Bush preformed for everyone.
yes apparently the staff at the twin towers on 9/11 didn't notice the explosives strapped to all the beams on each floor......of course a plane fully loaded with jet fuel going so fast it nearly flew through the building {blew out the otherside} would not be enough to cause a collapse.
the building were glowing red!
people jumped due to the heat and smoke.
In my opinion, if you dont think there was a conspiracy, your not a thinker. and not capable of critical thinking.
It doesnt really matter what you think about 911, we cant do anything about it.
If you were alive during 911 and dont think there was a conspiracy, you have a 2 week memory.
Thats what they want, quit drinking the water.
Ask yourself, does blissful ignorance serve, some purpose in your life? if so, enjoy it and dont
read the conspiracy post.
If I dont like a tv show or radio station, I change the chanell.
i know of a 15 year old boy who is sliding deeper into substance abuse and everyone around him seems powerless to stop him from his self destructive behavior.
his parents are divorced, his father barely sees his son, his mother supports her 2 kids in the best way that she can but cannot control her son at all.
he smokes weed every day, been in trouble regularly with the law, is now selling prescription meds that he steals from family members---basically, he's either going to be dead or in jail if he doesn't get serious help.. any suggestions??
I work in a jail. They bring in ministers to study with the inmates every Wednesday night.
Everyone gets their own bible for their cell.
I see a lot of inmates read their bibles.
do you remember what the drama was?
what role did you play?
what is preparation like?
Back before 75, I was in the drama about Noahs Ark at Cleveland Stadium. I played Ham. It seemed like several months from
the time we were chosen till the date of the show. I think we got together once a week and prepared from being fitted
for costumes to learning our lines.
It was all lyp synced.
I met brother Knorr the day of the show.
It was good times must have been 74.
i have been having an awful week/month/year/life and i just feel like i can not move forward anymore... is like life is passing me by and i am just observing from the side lines.... i am so tired, i just want to sleep and never wake up..... has anyone felt like this?
i tried therapy (twice) an it did not work, i tried volunteering and surrounding myself with other people and things to do, and it works until i have to come home, then that feeling of emptiness returns.... .
i am so tired... i do not know what else to do.... .
find a doctor and tell him you want bupropion.
back in the 1960's early 70's i remember my congregation going on a witch hunt and making a list of products, ice creams, confectionary or anything that might contain blood!.
i remember one zealous brother asking an ice cream vendor if the ice cream contained blood.
the vendor just looked gone out!.
When I was growing up in the 60's I was not allowed to eat Mars bars because of the lecithin.
Mars made 3 muskateers, snickers, milky ways m&m's.
I ate a lot of rock candy when I was a juvenile and snuck a lot of mars bars behind
my mothers back.
I got a mouth full of fillings now thanks to the wactower society and the rock candy.
Rock candy was pure crystalized sugar.
i have found myself drinking more and more since i realized that the truth was a lie just to quiet my mind.
it's not like i am a drunk or anything, it hasn't affected my work or relationships, it is that i really don't like being a slave to anyone or anything including delicious beer.
mmmm beer.... so to avoid being a slave to a habit, i have determined to stop drinking.
It depends how addicted you are, and how you got there.
People, places and things cause alcohol addictions.
If your not very addicted, just stop, change your behavior.
In my case when I was in my 30's , I came to realize I drank because of stinking thinking.
99% of my stinking thinking came from the Watchtower society.
So I went to meetings for 7 years and I didnt drink for 7 years and that was a very good time in my life.
I would say I grew mentally and spiritually.
Today in my late 50's I might drink 1 or 2 beers a week.
My life and life stessors are different.
Today, I see young people drinking like I did in my 20's and 30's and I figure lifes
doing its number on them.
Most people never admit they need to go to a meeting, a lot are sent to AA by a judge
and others go as a suicide prevention program.
Good luck
okay, so i was listening to some political spin artist from obama today, and i noticed they are still using the term "inherited the worst economy.
" this is being done, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to basically say, "hey, we are doing great.
this is all george bush and the republican's fault.
Nobodys going to bring the jobs back, because of the golden rule.
The golden rule is "he who has the gold makes the rules."
And he who has the gold has moved the jobs out of Amerika.
So the jobs are not coming back, and the economy is going down.
So the voters will just elect who they want to be at the top while Amerika disolves.
I hope I am wrong, but it doesnt look good, not since 1975.