Hey AlanF that makes a lot more sense than the snowflake argument.
Nutter is being a nutter. Hey nutter, thanks for clarifying (sic?).
JoinedPosts by Geronimo
Evolution still bugs me
by Geronimo ini know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and i've read a few here and there.
how can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy?
one evolutionist book i read used snowflakes to show this is possible.
Evolution still bugs me
by Geronimo ini know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and i've read a few here and there.
how can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy?
one evolutionist book i read used snowflakes to show this is possible.
Hi nutter. Now im confused and I see why I'm having trouble with this whole issue. I know you're trying to be funny and instructive at the same time, and Ill bet you succeeded. But I don't get it. Which side are you arguring for? Maybe neither? There are greater things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in my philosophy. G
by sinis in.
very interesting article.. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=42815
You can count on the NWT to mutate everything so it doesn't conflict with their theology. Eventually theyll have the whole bible all smoothed out and fitting into their world. G
Evolution still bugs me
by Geronimo ini know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and i've read a few here and there.
how can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy?
one evolutionist book i read used snowflakes to show this is possible.
I know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and I've read a few here and there. Believe me I've given this topic a LOT more thought than most other things. When I read creationist articles and books (Yeah I have three from the CRS)) they make sense. In fact the arguments seem really obviously logical. When I read evolutionist arguments sometimes they make sense and I can follow the logic trail. But most of the time it just doesn't make any sense to me. That doesn't mean evolution doesn't make any sense. It could just be that I'm in over my head. This is something that I'm not going to just let go of really easy. Some of the basic arguments are flawless in my mind. Entropy seems like a huge nail in the evolution coffin.
How can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy? One evolutionist book I read used snowflakes to show this is possible. That seems really weak to me. Okay, here's the deal: All of the other ways that science has disproven the Bible, such as a flat earth, an earth that doesn't move, a sun that orbits the earth, all of them have a smoking gun for proof. Pics of the earth from space, etc. I don't see the smoking gun for evolution. I see lots of extinct animals. I see strange races of people different than us. Smaller and taller, stronger and weaker, bigger and smaller brains, but they're humans. Is there a smoking gun for evolution? I'm not arguing in favor of Biblical creationism, but ID makes sense to me. A lot of sense in fact. What was it that convinced you that evolution is true? Or not true? I never gave evolution much thought before I became a Dub. I just accepted it. Now I'm going to worry that evolution bone till I crack it. G -
Possable "New Light"?
by 2112 inwith all the "buzz" around the up-comming october anouncment, i have a question.
i have thought about this for a long time, is it possable that they would tell all those married to non-witnesses to divorce their mates?
it could be for the reason of "unevenly yoked", and/or keeping spritually clean.
Nah. I think even the GB knows people have a limit as to how much crap they'll eat. This would be waaay over the legal limit. I hope the Big Announcement is a new date for Armageddon! Man, imagine all the Dubs coming to your house and being able to give them a horse laff? Be prepared for a mass exodus after the date comes and goes. This board will explode at the seems! G
What part of the bible makes no sense to you?
by JH in.
please make this less than 100 lines....
24 Now it came about on the road at the lodging place that Jehovah got to meet him and kept looking for a way to put him to death. 25 Finally Zip·po´rah took a flint and cut off her son’s foreskin and caused it to touch his feet and said: “It is because you are a bridegroom of blood to me.” 26 Consequently he let go of him. At that time she said: “A bridegroom of blood,” because of the circumcision. Exodus 4:24, 25, 26
Reams and reams of the Bible don't make sense to me, but this part really stuck in my head. I recall thinking "WTF? Jehovah is one spooky dude man, and the Bible is kinda creepy." G -
JW- Mormons- Seven-day adventist The more they preach- fewer come in
by sspo inkeeping members a challenge for lds church .
mormon myth: the belief that the church is the fastest-growing faith in the world doesn't hold up .
by peggy fletcher stack .
Yeah but Pentecostals are realy only growing like wildfire in South America, I'm fairly sure. Among Catholics.
Apocryphal writings
by Ade ini have an interest in apochryphal writings and would appreciate the thoughts of others who have read them and which ones you hold as inspired and that you personally would see in the bible.
I really like The Wisdom Of Jesus ben Sirach, or Ecclessiasticus. Plus First Maccabees. The Nag Hammadi Library is like the Bible in that it has some total junk and some really good stuff. The Gospel of Thomas is good. G
Scholars please on this NWT alteration 2 Peter 2:1
by Ade in"new world translation" .
2 peter 2:1 .
however, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you.
Ade, that's another thing. The NWT. I keep finding all these sneaky ways they've managed to rewrite the Bible! I already knew some of the ways, but here you've shown me a brand new example. Plus Narkissos has pointed out that this verse from Peter is originally from Jude! I looked these verses up, and also the words in Strong's. I still had my copy of the NWT until this morning. I threw it out. Thanks for another eye opener! G
Just a rant
by Geronimo ini like myself in a healthy way, i really do!
that's how my parents raised me.
but i wound up in a "i hate myself and i'm a miserable slimey worm that deserves to be annihilated" cult!
I like myself in a healthy way, I really do! That's how my parents raised me. But I wound up in a "I hate myself and I'm a miserable slimey worm that deserves to be annihilated" cult! LMAO! Luckily, I still like myself. But I see now that almost anybody can be led almsot anywhere. Okay, yeah, I'm not susceptible (sic?) to religious quackery anymore, which is good. But still, the whole Dub mess is an excellent object lesson in Weird Psychology 101.
I love life prety much, I really do! That's how I was raised. But I wound up in a "everything sucks bigtime and theres no hope so hurry up Jehovah God and burn it down" cult! Nah, I'm not wearing any rose colored glasses now. I haven't swung to the opposite extreme. Still, life is what it is and some of the things it is is interesting and fun and worhtwhile. But not according to our old pal GB! Hey GB, give us the scoop on life." "Fulminations of doom, darkness, pillars of smoke, flame and death, misery and malcontents" I blink at myself now and go "huh?"I'm fairly intelligent, not a dummy (not a genius either), but I wound up in a "There really was a talking demon-possessed snake and two magic trees" cult! LMAO! HOW DID I DO THAT??? I figure my brain has a dimmer switch and the GB figured out how to twist the knob without me noticing! "Gabble gabble gabble." hey, that sounds very reasonable GB! What else do you have to teach me? "Gabble gabble gabble." Really? How cool is that! Tell me more! "Gabble gabble gabble." You don't say? "Gabble gabble gabble."
My parents are fairly level headed and not ones to lose their tempers all over the place, so neither am I. But I wound up in a "The Supreme Being is so totally miffed that He (gotta be a He because let's face it most violent crime is caused by guys) is going to pop his cork and go off like July Fourth at Disneyland"cult! "Any minute now Jehovah's gonna blow his stack...any minute now...any second..okay he He comes..no wait...yeah there He is..look out..here He comes...the big kablooie...nope..any second now...any second now...LMAO at this too! Why would I fall for this "God is totally pissed" junk? But I did! Hey GB, what's up with that? "Don't piss me off kid."
There is just NO WAY you could get me to be a door-to-door salesman! I grew up thinking "Now THAT is a one sucky job." But I became a Doorknocker 4 God! I sold embarrasingly stupid mags for The Supreme Being! At least, I thought that's what I was doing. My parents looked at me like maybe I'd been switched at birth for their real kid. Can you blame them? I can't! Hey GB, was I switched at birth? "Come back tomorrow when the light is brighter."
I like to think for myself! That's how I was raised! But I wound up in a "Leave the thinking to us" cult! Okay, so it was thinking for myself that also got me out of the jam, but still I shopped at "Zombies R Us" and bought stock in the company! "Now be a good little Obedient One and turn off your brain...lower..lower..thats it..good boy. Now isn't life much better when someone tells you what to think?" "Ummm...well...actually..." "That's a good little Obedient One." "Ummmmm, about that last issue of the Tower with the article about Jehovah's Mighty Hammer and my head being the anvil, I didn't really get it." "Oh, you will, you will." "Gee, thanks GB!" "Welcome G."
I hate backstabbers! We all do! But I joined The Backstabbers Army, sort of like The Salvation Army only different and totally messed UP. Instead of a Santa Suit you wear a cruddy K-Mart blue light special two piece ugly dumb knock-off of a business suit. Instead of ringing a bell you ring...doorbells! Instead of taking in money you...huh..take in money plus give a lot of your own money. Man that REALLY sux! Okay, yeah, I got off topic. Backstabbers and backstabbing. Did your cong have an elaborate system of spys? Mine did. You couldn't say "I think GB might be barmy here and there" without it being reported. Hey GB, whats up with that? "Speak directly into the micophone please."
So, all in all, in summation and etc, furtherrmore and in conclusion and whatnot, IT WAS THE WORST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE! Proberly yours too.
Thanks GB.