Your story will be of great comfort for someone I know. I Look forward to the next installment.
i have been writing my story today, before i joined the forum, and my friends linda and trev have encouraged me to post it.
actually, i found it very therapeutic to write it al down.
i hope it doeasn't bore you too much, as it is rather long.
Your story will be of great comfort for someone I know. I Look forward to the next installment.
i would always leave a space between me and someone else.
i hated when someone was seated right next to me.
didn't feel comfortable.. i also loved sitting in back of a tall person, that would hide everything, like that i could close my eyes and the speaker wouldn't
In our hall you could tell who was going to be fading/disfellowshiped next because they would sit in the back row, including us. But was taken by surprise when it was an elder, his wife and his girlfriend with her husband. But sure enough the back row was cursed.
i am marion, a friend of fullofdoubtnow (linda), and i have just disassociated from jehovahs witnesses.
i was only announced a couple of days ago, after a lifetime of association.
linda has posted about me before, but it's wonderful to be able to post in my own right, and i am really looking forward to getting to know you all.. i am 59 years of age, 60 in november, and have been a jw all my life, baptised since 1961, and i thought i would always be a witness, but i now know absolutely that it isn't the truth.
Hi Marion
I'm a Newbie too
To be honest, I haven't got used to being an apostate yet, but coming here will certainly speed up the process!
Don't worry about witness speak its been "inculcated" in all your 'loving brothers and sisters" here
If you say what you feel I bet you find people understand.
as you may already know mr c and i are parting company and i am on the search for somewhere to live.
last night i saw two dirty, grubby pokey and depressing little rooms, about 8 foot by 9 foot, which i could just about afford at 450 a month (thats about $900 to you yanks)!
this is not in london but about 30 minutes by train from london.
I don't know too much about renting but can you claim housing benefit? I know a pioneer used to do that in our congregation and did alright. Also can you get with any Housing Association? Some flats are reserved for key workers, which you may be, but in some places there are too many flats for the uptake and they have to bend the requirements.
I hope you sort it out though
my older son, karl, is leaving home.
it could be this coming sunday but, if not, definitely sometime during next week.. karl has been a wonderful son and friend.
leaving watchtower was made so much easier because of him - and his decision to exit undoubtedly prompted my wife, claire, to take a look at the damning evidence herself!
Cogratulations Dansk and Claire
Must be a bit of a tough though seeing your boy leave home. Our son hasn't started school yet so we won't be worrying about that yet. Mind you the New System might be here by then.
...the phone rings.
the witness answers it and someone is on the other end, but they are speaking in french.
luckily the witness speaks french.
I think your right we believe these stoties with absolutely no way to verify them because it "proves we are in the truth". Lets face it nothing else does. With all the changing doctines and prophecies we will look for things to back up our belief system.
Great story. I dont know many dubs that would have gone to that length to help a stranger
I thought the mercedes went to pioneers only not just to any old JW
...the phone rings.
the witness answers it and someone is on the other end, but they are speaking in french.
luckily the witness speaks french.
...the phone rings. The Witness answers it and someone is on the other end, but they are speaking in French. Luckily the Witness speaks French. The caller asks where he can find Jehovah's Witnesses! Any way the man had a bible study and is now a baptised Jehovah's Witness!
Just heard this, the dub relating it was so excited about it.
Did you believe these stories when you were in?
hiya folks.
just joined on board and figured i'd say a quick hello to all.
i'd get into more, but i'm soooo watching this ingrid bergman marathon on right now on turner classic movies...
Hi Raylo.
I, along with a lot of others here, am also not da'd or df'd. It is probably agood thing as it means your mother is free to associate with you.
i thought it was time i posted here, having been lurking for over 4 years (on and off).
well my wife is now out.
we never really discussed the issues i had with the troof, although she of course new what some of them were.
You lot rock
This is not to bump it back to the top to receive more attention. Just to reply to some of the points I missed.
How did you ever stay silent for so long?
I think it was loyalty to my wife that held me back from posting here. I didn’t want to get found out as I knew that would cause trouble. Also, I could help her with a “clean conscience” as I hadn’t actually spoken with you evil apostates. Twisted reasoning maybe, “look but don’t touch”, “never inhaled” etc.
You must love your wife deeply to have waited so long and patiently to get her out.
Absolutely. It was the only thing that kept me going insane, the thought that she would eventually see through the lies, however long it took.
Which part of the country are you from?
I am from the central south. I don’t want to give too much away at present as there are others I would like to help.
my friend marion, who i've posted about on here, was announced at last nights meeting as being no longer one of jehovahs witnesses.
she sent a da letter in recently, and of course the elders tried to get her to change her mind, but she insisted, and threatened to forward a copy to the uk hq, so they made the announcement.. she had a phone call from her jw son just now, and not a pleasant one at that.
he asked her how she could be so stupid, and told her that this was the last call of any kind he would be making to her, and she won't be allowed to see her grandchildren again until she comes to her senses.
Give Marion our love.
It must be quite devastating to have your family turn on you like that.