I'll repost. Says all that needs to be said:
Sarah Palin's fault, SammieLee? Seriously?
Talk about the left literally jumping the gun for political gain!
Something happens, and it is suddenly the fault of Palin or the Tea Party.
She wasn't announced "shot" for five minutes before the Left started to act like Palestinians and use her corpse as a political prop.
If the shooters name had been Abdul or Mohammed, the Left would be tripping over itself admonishing the country not to jump to conclusions.
But his name is Jared, so he must obviously be a Tea Partier!
But wait.
Here is what a classmate of the shooter had to say:
"As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal. & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy."
He was a liberal. From the Left.
So who do we blame?
Well, since according to Justitia's and SammieLee's drooling idiocy putting targets on a map of Congressional seats is responsible for murder, I will use their logic and blame the Democrats. I blame Markos Moulitsas, and Barack Obama.