The speed of the Christian religion is not proof of anything. Just look at The Buddhist, Hindus, Bahia, Shinto's religion's I can make the same claim for these religion's on how fast they became religion's. So that claim does not hold water. Using that reasoning the other religion's must be correct as well.
JoinedPosts by skyking
Why Did Jesus Not Write Anything ?
by choosing life inhave you ever wondered why jesus did not put anything in writing?
he was here to explain his father to us and teach us how to gain salvation.
wouldn't it have been a good thing to write his instructions down, rather than leave it up to others many years later?
thank Joe Pesci,
Hollow be his name.
Why Did Jesus Not Write Anything ?
by choosing life inhave you ever wondered why jesus did not put anything in writing?
he was here to explain his father to us and teach us how to gain salvation.
wouldn't it have been a good thing to write his instructions down, rather than leave it up to others many years later?
The hostility was not meant I am bored today nothing to do I thought by coming across frankly it would make you want to prove the ASS HOLE in cyberland wrong. When I first started coming to this board I believed in the bible and everything in it. I would argue with the posters, with in a few months JWD posters proved me wrong about creation and the bible. Then they took my Jesus away from me. I was mad for a while. I now I feel so free it is very nice too feel free from the overwhelming pressure that the GOD of the bible gives you.
Why Did Jesus Not Write Anything ?
by choosing life inhave you ever wondered why jesus did not put anything in writing?
he was here to explain his father to us and teach us how to gain salvation.
wouldn't it have been a good thing to write his instructions down, rather than leave it up to others many years later?
done4good better yet prove that he did. then post what you find and I will show you proof that every hing including Josephus words was not written until at least 100 years later. Romans keep detailed records of every person that was executed, not one mention of Jesus. Josephus is the only writer that mentions Jesus but yet no one including the Catholic Church mentions what Josephus was supposed to have written for hundreds of years after Josephus death. But yet the Catholic church quoted many times about Josephus writings but not about what he was supposed to have said about Jesus until century's later. Then all at once the Catholic Church is over ran with quoting Josephus words about Jesus sorta like it could have been added later. In fact scholars that study ancient writings say the section that mentions Jesus was added later and computer analysis prove this. That leaves you without even one supporting text written at the time of Jesus.
There are a lot of points to consider. Like did Jesus really do all the miracles accredited to him. If he did other God men or Christs did the miracles first. Osiris/Dionysus Gods of the pagans were the first Jesus and their lives included raising the dead, turning water into wine at a wedding feast, having twelve apostles, being reborn by being baptised, riding into town on a Ass waving palm branches to take kingship, breaking and eating bread to represent their body, drinking wine to represent their blood, dieing on a cross, being raised on the third day. Last but not least their followers await for the triumphant return of their God man or Christs in the last days to rule the earth.
My question is why did Jesus not have the originality to come up with his own miracles and life without copying false Gods? Could it be that he did not do these things? Could it have been made up? Onething is for sure if Jesus Christ really did these things he was not the first man to have been given credit for doing them.
Way too much evidence against the Jesus that you believe in done4good. Prove me wrong I dare you done4good
tetrapod.sapien Thank you for the video post. Loved it very much.
I feel off my chair, pissed my self, set back on my chair fell off again and pissed myself again laughing.
Two thumbs way up
Jimbob you now have a 100 posts. Nice not being a Newbe is it not Junior Member.
jaguarbass you put your foot in your mouth when you made fun of Jimbo. Yes flip flops are a problem they cause death to birds that put their heads through the flippy part of the flip flop. Then the bird can not eat and dies. A few stupid environmentalist have tried to out law the Flippy flop and all of us up in these parts have had a field day making fun of the out of touch tree hugger.
Did you know that gelatin is made from animal hooves and cartledge? So when you buy candy like gummy worms or jelly beans you are eating a animal that died so you could enjoy. Red food Dy is made from a red beetle shell so every time you eat a bag of M&M's you are eating a product that something died so you could enjoy.
I was shot in the leg years ago by my brother it was an accident does he still hunt, yes. Also riding a horse you have more a chance of being killed than hunting. Am I to tell my teenage daughter she should set in the chair and watch TV? A person is born to live and living is a dangerous sport, In the State of Idaho there are on an average of two accidental shootings per year hunting and when I was 16 I was one of the two. While millions and millions of hours are spent hunting in Idaho each year.
I am sorry you shot some one and I am sorry my brother shot me but I have not quit living enjoying nature.
As for hunters that are human killers that is total BULL I am totally against the war and have written congress telling congress my thought about the the illegal war as I have posted several time.
I helped last year teach hunter safety. I learned from the manuals from the Idaho fish and Game it is safer hunting than it is driving in a car. More people are killed for the same amount of time traveling in a car than spending the same amount of time hunting.
So do not drive if you believe the statistics. My uncle was killed in a car wreck so was my cousin, one of my best friends, three class mate, my girl friend in high school and as I have mentioned many times my niece all while driving in a car. Hunt don't drive if you want to increase your odds of living.
new boy that is complete BULL. It costs $12.50 for a hunting license and the deer tag is $19.50 I have never shot more than four times to kill a Deer, so the bullets are $1.00 a piece costing me $4.00. Total $36.50. Gas for the travel of ten miles at most here locally $1.50. Meat cutting paper $2.00 cost totla $40.00 dollars. on the average i get 80 pounds of meat I have had a few deer dress out at over 120 pounds. So price per pound is under 50Cents.
Elk I already bought the hunting license for the deer the Elk the tags cost $30.75 add the same amount up as above I have a total of $51.25 opps forgot that meat cutting paper cost more for an Elk so add on $10.00 for the grand total $61.25 for the 300 pounds average Elk. I have killed ELk that I have packaged over 400 pounds of meat. Total cost per pound is under 21Cents per pound.