Axel I was at one time in the same place you are. I tried to dismiss it, but I am not the type of person that can do that. One day I was reading some information about DNA and the Neanderthals then it hit me. What does DNA tell me about modern humans. After doing some reading on this subject it became clear I needed the change my thinking and give evolution a closer look.
I personally have a hard time with evolution but that is me, I have over 30 years of brainwashing inside the BORG's HIVE that make me hang onto the thought of a GOD. I will make no bones about it the facts do not support a Creator God.
I have a question for you Axel how can such a highly intelligent God come from nothing? What you believe is actually more improvable than the evolutionist because it took billions of years of evolution to create us. But your All intelligent GOD sprang into existence instantly, impossible. Think about that when you poke fun at evolutionist will you.