I have spent some time and scanned down through this thread.
To state I am agnostic/not an atheist. I do not like blinded people. Bible thumpers make me sick. Practically every friend I have is a bible thumper. Bible thumpers at least most of them are dumb. Why because facts mean nothing to them. For example for years on this board I have asked one simple question:
Gen 1: 27 God Created man and woman then in 1: 31 it says that completed the six day......
Then look at Gen 2:19 says Adam was created. What the Hell?
Every bible thumper has said in Gen: 2 he was giving a more in-depth description of creating Adam. This is Bull the bible does not say that. It states clearly that on the: On the six day he created man and woman: Then created Adam Two different words that mean man. actually Ha-Adam which literal transalation is "The Adam"
Look at the original meaning of man and you will find the Bibles word for man is different at times. One is a human that can blush, the other is a human with color. The original black man that you see in Africa can not blush. But the bible thumpers do not like this because it opens a big pile of worms. Only light colored man can blush.
So without changing the bible you either have in chapter one the Neanderthals or a different race of man than you have in chapter two.