Agopy love lovelylil. I can tell you are a good soul. I wish I could see things without sinister intentions.
In the long run this might be better. But I do not see it this way. Why?
I'll give a reason. When Bush ws pushing for the war I know he was lying. I wrote congress, wrote my to my state legislators. I did not mesh words, I state clearly Bush is lying and I can prove it. Listed intelegence reports, UN reports, CIA, the list went on and on. You see I did not believe the Media nor Bush. I found out for myself. In the town I live in like I have said we are very active. I tried to convince everyone Bush was lying. People said what possible reason, he would never do that. he must have good intentions for the country.
I recieved one of the most damning letter from congress. It state I was not a good American. It said: a good American will rally around the President in time a war. So I was not a good American. This letter was passed around town and I became the local celebrity, everyone wanted to see it.
What is funny to me at the time 99% of the people was ready to go kill and happy about it. Now that I was correct which every citizen in the U.S.A. should of known only if they had not taken the word of the government and thought for themselves. If other would have done these the war never would of happened.