There are a lot of points to consider. Like did Jesus really do all the miracles accredited to him. If he did other God men or Christs did the miracles first. Osiris/Dionysus Gods of the pagans were the first Jesus and their lives included raising the dead, turning water into wine at a wedding feast, having twelve apostles, being reborn by being baptised, riding into town on a Ass waving palm branches to take kingship, breaking and eating bread to represent their body, drinking wine to represent their blood, dieing on a cross, being raised on the third day. Last but not least their followers await for the triumphant return of their God man or Christ in the last days to rule the earth.
My question is why did Jesus not have the originality to come up with his own miracles and life without copying false Gods lives? Could it be that he did not do these things? Could it have been made up? Onething is for sure if Jesus Christ really did these things he was not the first man to have been given credit for doing them.