Farts, they do the body good!!!
Whoever smelt it dealt it
Whoever denied it supplied it
We had plenty of loud ones and smelly ones at the Hall when I was a kid growing up, and yes, I supplied a few myself.........
once, when i was nine, i farted so loud, from the back row, that the guy giving the prayer started laughing and had to try really hard not to totally lose it.. any other stories?
Farts, they do the body good!!!
Whoever smelt it dealt it
Whoever denied it supplied it
We had plenty of loud ones and smelly ones at the Hall when I was a kid growing up, and yes, I supplied a few myself.........
the guardian: a us medical evacuation crew chief recounts the most traumatic mission he has ever flown .
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Mansour Suleiman Mansour Khalifi al-Mashhadani
Abu Ayyub al-Masri
Abu Layla al Suri
Abu Maysara
emir of Mosul -- known as Safi
Muharib Abdul-Latif al-Jubouri
Khalid al-Turki
Abu Usama al-Tunisi
Omar al Farouq
Muharib Abdul Latif
Sabah Hilal al-Shihawi
Abu Ammar al-Masri
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi
Muhammad Abdullah Abbas al-Issawi
Abu Jurah
All of these guys were significant leaders of Al Qaeda that were killed in Iraq.......that means they aren't gonna be helping with new attacks in our country or any of our allies. Had we not gone to Iraq and taken them out, they would probably all be alive today and planning god only knows what.......and thats only a partial list.
Bush told America that he would do everything within his power to prevent another 9/11. If due to his apprehension we would have had another attack, and another mass loss of life, all of that American blood would have been on his hands. That's why he went to Afghanistan, and that is why he had no choice but to go into Iraq. What if there was anoither attack and it originated from Iraq? You would be chastising Bush because he didn't do enough. Hussein was thumbing his nose to the world, what was he doing behind the curtain, why was he so secretive. The risk was too great, Bush and ALMOST ALL of Congress agreed we had to go see what was going on, congress saw the same intelligence reports that Bush saw.. The country of Iraq fell in a matter of a few days, then we had to fight Al Qaeda.....you know the rest of the story. Al Qaeda is a shell of its former self.........
the guardian: a us medical evacuation crew chief recounts the most traumatic mission he has ever flown .
And when, exactly, is this future going to start? And how many more soldiers and children will die before then?
Don't you think it started when Hussein's dictatorship was overthrown? (Second part of the question) None, wouldn't that be your wish and hope too???
So, the US goes in and kills and maims thousands more children. And you don't see something wrong with this picture. You kill thousands more and this somehow makes things better?So you're accusing the US military of killing and maiming thousands of children?? WOW, you'd think they would put that on the news or something.......come on FHN, be real.
the guardian: a us medical evacuation crew chief recounts the most traumatic mission he has ever flown .
One more........
But most of the Kurds slaughtered in that season of mass murder were not gassed but rounded up and gunned down into mass graves. Those victims were mostly men and boys, and their bodies have never been recovered.
In one village near Kirkuk, after the males were taken to be killed, the women and small children were crammed into trucks and taken to a prison. One survivor, Salma Aziz Baban, described the ordeal to journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, who reported on Saddam's war against the Kurds in The New Yorker in March.
More than 2,000 women and children were crammed into a room and given nothing to eat. When someone starved to death, the Iraqi guards demanded that the body be passed to them through an window in the door. Baban's six-year-old son grew very sick. "He knew he was dying. There was no medicine or doctor. He started to cry so much." He died in his mother's lap.
"I was screaming and crying," she told Goldberg. "We gave them the body. It was passed outside, and the soldiers took it."
Soon after, she pushed her way to the window to see if her child had been taken for burial. She saw 20 dogs roaming in a field where the dead bodies had been dumped. "I looked outside and saw the legs and hands of my son in the mouths of the dogs. The dogs were eating my son." She was silent for a moment. "Then I lost my mind."
Horror without end. Amnesty International once listed some 30 different methods of torture used in Iraq. They ranted from burning to electric shock to rape. Some governments go to great lengths to keep evidence of torture secret. Saddam's government tends to flaunt its tortures, leaving the broken bodies of its victims in the street or returning them, mangled and mutilated, to their families.
For the second time in a dozen years, America is preparing to go to war against Iraq, this time with "regime change" as an explicit goal. The case for military action is being made primarily in the name of international law and stability: Iraq under Saddam egregiously violates UN resolutions, attacks other countries without cause, aids terrorists, uses and stockpiles biological and chemical weapons, actively pursues nuclear weapons, and purposely creates environmental catastrophes.
Saddam has successfully resisted every form of outside pressure short of war. Neither economic sanctions nor UN inspections nor limited missile strikes have subdued his aggressiveness. There is no question that his regime is profoundly dangerous and will grow even more so if it is not destroyed once and for all.
It is all true. But let us not forget something equally true: Above all else, Saddam has been an unspeakable evil for the people of Iraq. In crushing him and his dictatorship, we will be liberating the most cruelly enslaved nation on earth and performing an act of nearly incalculable mercy.
the guardian: a us medical evacuation crew chief recounts the most traumatic mission he has ever flown .
That story is truly sad and moving, and since you were all touched by the plight of this child you will be happy to hear that due to the bravery of the US military (joined by the military of several additional countries) and our President, the children of Iraq now have a future they can look forward to. Instead of the regime that tortured and killed many little girls like this one, Iraq's children will inherit a country free of a murderer like Saddam Hussein.
Security forces arrested hundreds of Dujail residents, including entire families, in the wake of a 1982 assassination attempt against Saddam in the town.
Witnesses, including women, have recounted being tortured while in prison, farmlands were razed in retaliation and 148 Shiites were sentenced to death in connection to the shooting attack on Saddam. All 148 were killed, either dying under interrogation or executed.
The charges against Saddam read by Abdel-Rahman included the arrest of 399 people, the torture of women and children, ordering the razing of farmlands.
He was also charged in the deaths of nine people who Abdel-Rahman said were killed in the first days of the crackdown, as well as the deaths of 148 who were sentenced to execution by his Revolutionary Court.
But prosecutors argued that the crackdown went far beyond the actual authors of the attack to punish the entire town. It said the 148 were sentenced to death after a fake trial, and that children as young as 11 were among those convicted.
6. 1985: 300 Kurdish children interned, tortured and murdered
Records show 300 Kurdish children and young people imprisoned in the year 1985 to have simply disappeared. In 1987 amnesty international discovered the following. Many of the young people had been beaten, sexually abused and tortured with electroshocks. Detailed information has been provided on 29 executions. Sometimes it was only by paying a fee that parents could collect the bodies of their children.
A mass grave containing the remains of 200 Kurdish children has been discovered in the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk, the Kurdish newspaper Taakhi reported today.“Citizens discovered on May 30 a communal grave close to Debs, in Kirkuk. But this is different from other mass graves discovered since the fall of Saddam Hussein’s terrorist regime because it contains the remains of 200 child victims of the repression of the Kurdish uprising” in 1991, the paper said.
“Even dolls were buried with the children,” it said.Horror in Saddam's Iraq takes endless forms. In 1987-88, Iraqi Air Force helicopters sprayed scores of Kurdish villages with a combination of chemical weapons, including mustard gas, Sarin, and VX, a deadly nerve agent. Scores of thousands of Kurds, most of them women and children, died horrible deaths. Of those who survived, many were left blind or sterile or crippled with agonizing lung damage.So what do you think, is the truly agonizing story of the little girl above of more significance than the thousands of women and children that this merciless dictator murdered.
1.our australian dollar is booming thanks to the u.s dollar and economy crashing......2. he makes me laugh.......3. he makes australia look less backwards as a nation...4. his daughter is kinda hot.
5. he has a dog which means your okay by me.
6.his daddy did a good job so give him a third chance.
Yeah, what all of you said.......who could possibly have a lower approval rating than Bush........uhhhhh, the Democratic controlled congress, that's who.....
Factual, don't flame me. I didn't accuse anybody of anything, I just stated a fact.
paul wrote in romans 7:19;"for what i do is not the good i want to do; no, the evil i do not want to do.
this i keep on doing.. so is there such a thing as free will, or are we all driven by our nature (our genes), .
our nurture or both?
You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill;
I will choose a path that's clear
I will choose freewill.
The concept of a HOA is a good thing, it sets rules for everyone to follow so that everyone's investment isn't affected by a neighbor who wants to paint is house hot pink with yellow trim, or build an aluminum shed in their front yard, or put a project car up on blocks in the driveway.......you get the picture. Unfortunately, some HOA Boards let the power go to their heads and become mini gestapo agents.They also sometimes let their personal feelings for neighbors interfere with their fairness in handling homeowners requests to the Archetectural Review Board to put up a fence, paint their house, add a pool, add a room, etc.
Moral to the story? These people are all elected by the residents......select wisely, these board members should have some kind of management background on their resume's to at least have some experience to fall back on when handling these neighborly situations. But even then, it's still a crap shoot.
That was painful to watch......wonder if he was sure she'd say yes, or did he think the pressure of doing it publicly like that would sway her answer. I gotta give her credit, she coulda took the ring and gave it back later, she stuck to her principals even though it was embarrasing for her (not to mention him).
It just shows his confidence in his masculinity.......I hope.