A group of disgruntled 45 to 65 year old ex-Behthelites will get on the Oprah Show, telling how they have been kicked out with no healthcare provisions. Hilary Clinton, running for president, will seize on the opportunity to gather the women's votes and promise to stop this cult "if she is elected." Hilary sweeps into office and Oprah and her army demand that campaign promises be upheld. Anti-JW sentiment is strong throughout the country. Hilary manages to get the books open and taxes placed on the WT corporation. Laws are passed against publishing corporations using volunteer labor. Bethel is forced to sell most of it's Brooklyn property and loses a legal battle to avoid paying property taxes. Many Kingdom Hall are vandalized and some are torched. Privately held stadiums in North America refuse to allow conventions of JWs. As the Governing Body members (still holding some wealth) die off, nobody replaces them. The last 4 vanish, some say to a south-Pacific island, others say to join Jimmy Hoffa. Patterson is turned into a Cult Awareness University Serving Everyone (CAUSE).
Okay, this is fun. I might try some more scenarios.