People have to be ready to listen. I would try discussing "the generation" that will not pass away and start with saying, "Do you really accept the 'overlapping generation' ?"
For decades, the 'generation' was people old enough to understand what happened in 1914, so they would at least have had to have been older children. When the time was about to expire, the 'generation' was tweaked to be anyone born by 1914 and they pretended it was always that way. When the time was getting close to expiration in 1995, they released it to an unknown variable. When the members didn't see enough urgency in that, they restored the 'generation' to a connection with 1914 and created the 'overlapping generation.' Can you explain that? (That 'overlapping generation' includes the life span of people that knew people born prior to 1914. They indicate the first part would be people old enough to understand things in 1914, and the second part (overlap) would include people who significantly knew that first part, but we all know it will be stretched to say the first part had to be born by 1914 and the overlap could have barely lived at the same time.)
I doubt many would let me say any of that without running away or interrupting constantly.