Thank you for your help. That is what I am going to do.
I think it is strange taht this topic was here. Myname is Janey. I have a friend in Boise. Actually he lives in a little town nort of here.
He told me that he is a Jehovah's Witness, kind of. He is an older kid, not a little kid so he can take care of himself I think. Maybe 16. I never asked his age. He is real cute!!!! But, the reason I was looking for information about Jehovah's witnesses was because he told me that thsi guy he works with is also one and he has been touching him in weird ways when he's working. He doesnt care because he makes good money, he was just blabbing at me. He lays hard wood floors and some times he helps him.
I wanted to know if there was a priest or something for Jehovah's Witnesses that I could call. I think there is more going on then he told me.
He is not a real employee, just kind of helps and he pays him. I guess that the guy he work s for has a business called AMAX, iremember that becasue it sounds like Ajax, and that is my dogs name, and it is a big deal in the church, so maybe someone here knows it. I thought maybe if I found out who the highest one to go to was then I could call for him. He told me some other things that don't sound good. I thought maybe I could go to my minister at my church.
Ok thats all. Thank you for your help.