JoinedPosts by exwitless
Exwitless-as close up as you'd ever want to get...
by exwitless ini just took this of myself.
this is exwitless, casual style (my hair looks bad-sorry).. .
So...ya wanna see my ugly mug?
by Little Drummer Boy ini figure it's time.. i've been out of the borg long enough and i love you guys and trust you.. so....here i am for the world to see.... this is me striking a pose as systems administrator.. .
i love my servers.... oh, and "i believe you have my stapler?
What kind of dog is she?
Sorry, I don't mean to focus only on the dog pics. Yours is nice too. But kinda far away. Do you have a closer up one? Or maybe you don't want to show a closer one of you. That's cool too.
OK. Welcome Rebelwife. Who are you? What's your story?
So...ya wanna see my ugly mug?
by Little Drummer Boy ini figure it's time.. i've been out of the borg long enough and i love you guys and trust you.. so....here i am for the world to see.... this is me striking a pose as systems administrator.. .
i love my servers.... oh, and "i believe you have my stapler?
Aw, I like the first picture with your little dog. How cute.
So...ya wanna see my ugly mug?
by Little Drummer Boy ini figure it's time.. i've been out of the borg long enough and i love you guys and trust you.. so....here i am for the world to see.... this is me striking a pose as systems administrator.. .
i love my servers.... oh, and "i believe you have my stapler?
I think he looks nice in this picture.
Hey, smellsgood - what if we nominated him for the show "What Not to Wear"? I love that show.
He doesn't dress bad, though. But he deserves to get some nice new clothes. He's worked really hard to get through college and land a nice job.
Exwitless-as close up as you'd ever want to get...
by exwitless ini just took this of myself.
this is exwitless, casual style (my hair looks bad-sorry).. .
Aw, you guys are so nice. Hey, Jeff - regarding the apostafest thingy, I'm sorry I haven't made much progress on this. I'll work on it again this weekend. I'm just gonna have to take the bull by the horns and get something arranged!
let's see the rest of ya!
Just what do you mean? And be careful, LDB's big and strong; he might kick your cyber-butt if you get out of line!
Is this letter rude? My wife thought so....
by CaptainSchmideo inplease find enclosed my check for $109.50.
while i am paying this bill, i believe that this charge is incredibly excessive.
$93.50 of this bill is for a uroflowmetry, complex test.
Unfortunately, doctors are bound by endless mind-numbing rules as to what they are "allowed" to charge. There is a very specific way physician's fees are calculated. It's how insurance decides what they consider "usual and customary" fees. Doctors do not and cannot make up any old fee they want to. There are guidelines they must follow. For instance, physicians are not allowed to charge someone a fee below what Medicare will pay for a service. It doesn't matter that you don't have Medicare. That's one standard they have to follow. For instance, if Medicare allows $50 for an office visit, the doctor may not charge a patient who has Medicare, group health insurance, or no insurance any fee lower than $50.
It's all very complicated and rediculous, but my point is, your doctor is bound by his insurance contracts to charge fees within a certain range. Insurance is very frustrating. I can totally relate with you. I paid over $6500 in insurance premiums alone last year. That's just to have insurance. Then there are all kinds of copays, deductibles, etc... Ugh.
Exwitless-as close up as you'd ever want to get...
by exwitless ini just took this of myself.
this is exwitless, casual style (my hair looks bad-sorry).. .
Oh no you don't WAC. Back to your blow up doll.
LDB - I think you scared WAC away.
Exwitless-as close up as you'd ever want to get...
by exwitless ini just took this of myself.
this is exwitless, casual style (my hair looks bad-sorry).. .
You remind me of Drew Barrymore.
Pretty, remind me of Uma Thurman.
You guys are way too nice.
Exwitless-as close up as you'd ever want to get...
by exwitless ini just took this of myself.
this is exwitless, casual style (my hair looks bad-sorry).. .
I'm a nurse.