I feel compelled to reply as I am a Dermatology nurse. GO TO A DOCTOR!!!! Don't ignore it and hope it will get better. Regardless of whether it's a spider bite or whatever else, a non-healing wound can lead to cellulitis (an infection of the surrounding tissue) or worse. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. You should consult your doctor regarding your specific problems. This post is not intended to take place of the advice of a physician, yada, yada, yada...
JoinedPosts by exwitless
Hey, any Indiana posters out there? Did you know that Joy Castro currently lives in Crawfordsville, IN? I'm looking forward to the book signing. The book sounds interesting. Almost as interesting will be seeing who shows up for it! I can almost picture JWs outside of Barnes and Noble passing out tracts to "save" people from going in!
Did You Know what You Were Getting Into?
by Honesty inwe as jehovah's witnesses do not allow people to become baptized prior to gaining accurate knowledge of what we believe and teach according to the bible.
if someone wants to join with us in worship and become baptized, they must also demonstrate that they know what they are getting into.
that they agree with what we believe and teach.. .
I think that there is NO way to really know what you're getting into (or out of) until you've been there. We were perfect examples of The Indoctrination Procees as described on the Beyond Jehovah's Witnesses web site. I felt swept up in a whirlwind of studying, attending meetings, and being praised by everyone for our excellent progress when we were studying. I didn't really have time to ponder "Is all of this really true?", and to be honest, they were so convincing that I thought if I didn't really understand everything, it would make sense eventually. This is all part of their big plan to assimilate us, and we fit right in. People on the outside who've never been a JW or have close contact with one (i.e. family) might have a hard time understanding that, but that's how it was for us.
If you DA yourself are you giving in to the GB?
by bronzefist ini'm not criticizing anyone's decision to da themselves...just wondering what the advantages are.. if the whole da thing is something made up by the gb why make them happy by playing by their rules?
how are they hurt by your decision?
why not just walk away?
One might also consider this: the Bible commands that we completely separate ourselves from bloodguilty establishments. The WT society, in my opinion, is considerably bloodguilty in many ways. For those of you who still believe the Bible (I know many do not) you might feel it necessary to officially separate yourselves by DA'ing. This is not my primary reason for DA'ing. I'm with my husband, Little Drummer Boy. I just want to be left in peace and not spending my entire weekends wondering who's going to knock on my door and/or call! Besides, it gives me satisfaction to leave them first before they find a reason to DF me.
Sorry! I kept hitting the Enter button instead of the apostrope button! Just want to know if anyone has read Joy's book "The Truth Book". Barnes and Noble is hosting a book signing this Friday, and my husband and I are going. It'll be our first public "apostate" related activity since mailing our DA letter 2 days ago. What do you want to bet the elders will send someone incognito to spy on who attends?
Hello! I'm new here
by exwitless ini'm new to posting to this forum.
my husband and i have been reading it for a few months.
we have finally written, sealed, and stamped our da letter, and it's ready to go directly to the post office.
Hello, OnTheWayOut! Wow! I'm impressed at the courage you've shown stepping down and "laying low". That can't be easy. Sounds like difting away is going to take awhile for you. Don't give up on your wife. You just never know what it might take to break down the wall she has up around her.
Ever know of a great family movie, the Witnesses found demons or evil in?
by free2beme ini remember growing up, the witness children were often ones that were left to see all those g rated movies from disney.
yet even those at time, while accepted by just about every religion out there, were considered demonic.
for example, the following movies were said to show witchcraft and in or congregation we were encouraged to discard them and not own copies of them; sleeping beauty, snow white, the little mermaid, bed knobs and broomsticks, and fantasia.
I must have missed that memo, if that was well-known for 30 years. I suppose if I had actually signed up for a yoga class, the JW exercise police would have come to arrest me; then I would have known. Oh well, I'm out now, so if I want to do Yoga, I will.
Ever know of a great family movie, the Witnesses found demons or evil in?
by free2beme ini remember growing up, the witness children were often ones that were left to see all those g rated movies from disney.
yet even those at time, while accepted by just about every religion out there, were considered demonic.
for example, the following movies were said to show witchcraft and in or congregation we were encouraged to discard them and not own copies of them; sleeping beauty, snow white, the little mermaid, bed knobs and broomsticks, and fantasia.
Well, this isn't a movie, but I just read on the WT official web site that Yoga is absolutely steeped in spiritism and should never be practiced by "true christians". Now they tell us how to exercise!
Ever know of a great family movie, the Witnesses found demons or evil in?
by free2beme ini remember growing up, the witness children were often ones that were left to see all those g rated movies from disney.
yet even those at time, while accepted by just about every religion out there, were considered demonic.
for example, the following movies were said to show witchcraft and in or congregation we were encouraged to discard them and not own copies of them; sleeping beauty, snow white, the little mermaid, bed knobs and broomsticks, and fantasia.
Here's a good one: An elder in our congregation refused to let his children watch Barney because Barney practiced magic! Barney may be the most annoying kids show, but I don't think he'll lure kids into demonism!