Maybe broadening out in your understanding of how and why we have a standardize language may make it a little more easy to take,, for the correct spellers and grammar perfectionest when they see errors of this nature?
Geesh (if I may be allowed to stray from "perfect" English) Frankiespeakin. Lighten up! As I have now stated twice in this thread, I put the thread in the "humor" section. Let's call it a "fluff" topic and leave it at that. Everyone has his or her own pet peeves; that means I might find something annoying where someone else might not even notice it. It's a matter of opinion and/or personality quirk.
I don't read posts here with an eye for grammatical and spelling accuracy. I read them for their content. In fact, if you read my posts on this thread, MOST of what I posted about was related to how things are pronounced in spoken language, such as Alzheimers, or Espresso, etc.
The purpose of this thread was just for an innocent discussion on common "errors" (if you will) we all come across in ordinary conversations every day. It wasn't meant to belittle anyone or claim perfection. That's why I put it in 'humor". I am obviously no stand-up comedian, but it's exactly what someone like Seinfeld would talk about; people laugh and think "Yeah, that bugs me too." They don't accuse Seinfeld of being a "perfectionist" of the English language.