Hey that's awesome! Tell her to go for it and study something she's always wanted to. I'm currently working on my RN degree. I've been an LPN for 15 years, and I have wanted to further my education for awhile. For the past couple of years, I've been very slowly getting some gen ed classes done via distance learning. This semester, I'm taking 2 classes at the local community college (while working full time and having a family!). It can be done, even if it takes a little longer than you think it will. Keep us posted. Go Wifey!
JoinedPosts by exwitless
Wifey is going to get a degree... eventually.
by AK - Jeff inonline.
later in life [she's 51].
no major university.
Dog to its Vomit
by Sparkplug ini know as a jw growing up, i would hear so much about how if you were of the"world" and came out of it...that you were like a dog returning to its vomit.
the other day, i heard of a friend of mine that went back to the borg.
actually over the past few months, i have heard of a few.
Hey Sparks! Good to hear from you. I'm so sorry about your friend. I can only imagine how confused you must be feeling. It just doesn't make sense.
Gas prices up again
by Junction-Guy ini don't believe this crap.
yesterday gas was $3.69 and now today in tennessee it is $5 a gallon in several stations.
it is supposedly $6 a gallon in pigeon forge.. .
Yesterday gas was $3.89. Today at the very same gas station, gas is $4.39. It amazes me how the cost of the gas already in the station's underground tanks can change so drastically from day to day. This is rediculous.
by BluesBrother ina certain witness,kind of close to me,is insistent that this article confirms her conviction that the wt teaches that jehovah will judge hearts at the "end" and both j w's and non j w's may be saved ....i say that it teaches the opposite.
what do you think?
how do you read it?.
This is a very typical method the WT uses to say something without actually saying it. As usual, they ask a question then give a very long-assed explaination of thier answer without actually saying what their answer is. It isn't until the last couple of lines until they basically say that JWs are the only ones even trying to live up to the "biblical" requirements and they are trying to help others to do the same.
In a nutshell, they are still saying the same old crap: only JW's will "be saved", and maybe the ones they are studying with will too.
What Is Your Present Status In The Organization?
by minimus inare you disfellowshipped?
a fader?
Stopped cold and forever after a moment of clarity during a congregation WT study.
Not planned, Not ever in my wildest imagination did I think I'd be where I am today. Don't even know how it happened, but so very happy it did.
Dagney. I'm curious-what was the moment of clarity?
What Is Your Present Status In The Organization?
by minimus inare you disfellowshipped?
a fader?
I'm a 'dog who has returned to his vomit'. DA'd.
Same here. DA'd 9-10-06. Wow, almost 2 years ago.
Lost a Good Friend in Death this Weekend- He Worked Part Time For Me
by flipper inthis guy named jim- 49 years old died of a massive heart attack .
shocked the hell out of me.
he was a very giving person helping provide for his disabled brother - even though he was a man of little means.
Sorry to hear about your friend, Flipper. I know exactly what you mean about how some people have to bust their asses just to survive. It's not fair. Sounds like he literally worked himself to death.
What Stupid Rules Did Your Congregation Have?
by minimus inwe had a few.. no gum in your mouth ever!
the elders found some gum on the carpet so gum chewing was banned.. disfellowshipped ones should sit quietly in the rear of the hall.. you had to get at least the congregation's average in order to share in the privilege of mowing the lawn!.
Arrive at least 20 minutes early and stay at least 20 minutes late to "fellowship" with the "friends". (I hated when they said we should "fellowship" with each other; that doesn't even make grammatical sense.)
Always sit in a different seat at each meeting so you can broaden out and get to know others in the congregation. Interestingly, the elder who gave this admonition was a major creature of habit and always sat in the exact same seat every single meeting for years and years. Inner isle seat fourth row from the platform.
Don't even think about sitting in the back row unless you're 15 minutes late for the meeting and have 10 kids. Maybe they'll let you sit in the back instead of parading you to the front row where no one else wanted to sit (except the over-eager sister who always sat front and center and took extensive notes at every meeting).
No gum or candy.
Brothers were not allowed to even run mics without having a jacket on. Never mind that there were times the AC wasn't working, and of course there were no windows, and it was 90 degrees in the KH. If you ran a mic, you had to have a jacket on.
When LDB and I were still just studying, we were dating, and had been for years before starting our brainwashing sessions. But when we started coming to the meetings regularly, we were "counseled" that we shouldn't be arriving together in the same car since we weren't married. It would set a bad example to the teenagers in the congregation. Gee, I guess the fact that we studied regularly and came to meetings regularly pretty early on and even started commenting at the meetings wasn't near enough of a good example to the others. How stumbling it must have been for others to see us arrive together in the same car! Oh my god, what were we thinking? By the way, we didn't live together before we got married-I just lived a little farther away from the KH than LDB did so I'd just drive to his apartment and we'd go to the KH together in his car. Besides, walking in to the KH together was so much less intimidating to me than having to walk in alone when I was new to "da troof".
Don't clap when someone gets reinstated. Do clap when someone becomes an unbaptized publisher. Do clap for the auxiliary pioneers who had been "approved" for the "privilege" this month. I refused to clap for them, because I felt it was against everything else we had been told about 'just doing your personal best' and not 'comparing yourself to others' and 'everybody's circumstances are different', blah blah blah. If I was going to clap for them, then they should have had to clap for my 10 hours a month when I worked full time, struggled horribly with narcolepsy (then undiagnosed and not treated), had a child with health problems, a husband, a house to keep up, etc.
Sorry about my ramblings. Sometimes it just feels good to vent.
by journey-on ini hate cooking....i hate everything about it from planning meals, to grocery shopping, to loading the bags into my car,.
to unloading the bags and carrying them into the house, to putting the groceries away, to cooking, to cleaning up, to.
unloading the damn dishwasher!.
I thought it would be appropriate for me to jump in here, as I am sitting here watching The Next Generation while I'm typing this.
I'm totally with you on the Replicator. I hate having to think up what to make for dinner every day, cooking, cleaning up the mess, etc. I can cook pretty well (I think), but I don't enjoy it.
With a replicator I could also order food for our cats. "Feline supplement number 51 please."
My husband and I have often said we'd like to live on the Enterprise. It's clean, sleek, non-cluttery...I'd also love to visit Ten-forward. Looks cool.
I'd like to be able to sit on the bridge and tell the Ensign to fly me to work and say "Engage".
Oh, if only Star Trek were real...