Yesterday, my six year old figured out that a birthday is a celebration of your day of birth. I didn't realize she hadn't made that connection yet (she's a bit fuzzy headed sometimes, but cute as can be). Then she states, "So when you get presents for a baby bfore it is born, that is the babies first birthday". You know, I never thought about it that way, but I think she has a valid point. Even though I realize that the spirit of a showere is to help out with the needs of a new child in the family , it is also a celebration of that new life. I am surprised the org. hasn't come up with it yet to add to their list of no-nos.
Just a thought.
JoinedPosts by DrunkWithLiberty
Birthday/baby shower?
by DrunkWithLiberty inyesterday, my six year old figured out that a birthday is a celebration of your day of birth.
i didn't realize she hadn't made that connection yet (she's a bit fuzzy headed sometimes, but cute as can be).
then she states, "so when you get presents for a baby bfore it is born, that is the babies first birthday".
My, my, how times change
by tergiversator in*
this is the second article i've seen in the past year about bright witness kids going to regular colleges.
(the other one was about twin brothers down in florida, i believe.
I agree too. What hall did she attend? I couldn't get baptized until I quit the track team and all other sports I was involved in. My best friend had to relinquish her seat as student body president.
As for as the Williams sisters, I say, "way to go". I am so happy that they get to do what they do, but I feel bad for the kids who don't get to have the freedom they enjoy. BTW, did you see the Vanity Fair pitures of the Williams sisters? They were not wearing the modest clothing of a christian witness. They looked great.
Life is good,
Angie -
Subjection Does No-One Any Good.
by Englishman inive been thinking a lot about this subjection thing that is so much a part of wt teaching.. i mean, what is the point of it?
who does it benefit?.
why cant couples work out a who does what pattern that suits themselves, why should they pay any heed to the wtbtss edicts about women being in subjection?.
I agree so much with ykour post. My husband was so burdened with the whole head of house deal. When I left the org. first, he felt a huge responsibility for my demise and the children's. Here I am, an adult, and he is feeling guilty over something that was entitely my decision.
He is a very careful person and sometimes very indecisive by nature. This teaching made him an even worse decision maker.
I, of course, always felt subhuman because of the subjection thing. It caused me to treat and view myself as a lesser one.
Now that we are out, our marriage is great (it was not paradise when we were following the familly book advise). My husband is so much better at making decisions (his own) and we make all family decisions together and compromise when we don't agree.
Take care and enjoy the weekend,
Angie -
Was Our Faith Tested?
by Big Jim ini have been having long conversations with my brother in-law who is the only one that will talk to me about the non-truth.. he claims that my attacks on the society in reference to there false prophecy is nothing more then a test on our faith and that the fact that jw's are the only ones that don't teach the immortality of the soul makes them the only true relegion.. how would any of you respond to the the test of our faith response?
With that type of reasoning, David Koresh could say his group and himself were God's people. Actully, that type of reasoning is used by cults all over the world. It is one of the criteria for judging whether a group is a cult or not.
angie -
Art School JWs?
by Stephanus insome years back i went to art school for a year, and life drawing was one of the subjects.
although the prospect of perving on naked women was at first appealing, it soon became evident that sex-drive is a left-brain function while drawing is strictly right-brain.
iow, drawing naked people was just plain hard work, and it was the only thing that was hard!
We have a friend who is JW and supports his family as an artist. He is wonderfully gifted and his works are displayed all over the country in galleries. He is most gifted in painting the human body. This has gotten him into quite a bit of trouble, especially after he was appointed elder. "How much skin is exposed? Do you have a chaperone with you at the sittings? What kind of position is the female model in?" He has done a few nudes but doesn't make it known to too many people. He does O.K. financially but he would do so much better without the guilt and trouble he goes through when painting women. I hope that at some point he is able to freely express his creative talents to the fullest degree, but I don't think that will happen.
Take care all, angie -
The baptism is off.....
by TheApostleAK intold by the elders yesterday that since i'm a official at a sports match on saturdays and i won't quit doing it (they mention it occasionally to me at meetings), that they won't be allowing me to get baptised the next assembly coming up.
it might matter if i was working 5 days a week but at the moment i'm only working 2 days......(i've already racked up 50 hours this month).
i remember a talk a while back with the theme "what prevents you from getting baptised?
AK, I was not able to get baptised because I was still involved in high school athletics. It was not becoming of a Christian I was told. that was in the early 80's.
Take care, angie -
Window Cleaners?
by nicolaou inlike a lot of others here, i gave higher education a miss when i left school (1980).
under the encouragement of the society i pioneered for three years instead!.
now i clean windows for a living.
Hi Nicolaou,
I have been out of org. for a little more than two years. I am finishing up my second year at colege (going for an education degree).
It will take me another 4-5 yeas to finish because I have young children but I am loving it. I hope to continue even after I start teaching. Schoool has opened up a whole new world for me because now I see that I can pursue any passion I care to. No one to discourage me anymore.
I too did not go to college or any other training because of the strong discussions against it with in the mags and platform. I have been told by witnesse that the org never said you couldn't. I feel the old school brochure was pretty straight forward on the society's stance but can't remeber what it said. Oh well. Love what I am doing now and do not have to make excuses or reasons to anyone about my decision.
I encourage anyone who has the remotest desire to go to scholl to do so. Unless you are dead, there is always time to pursue what ever goals you may have.
Love to all, angie -
Fine encouragement from the faithful slave
by comment inas all true christians know, jehovah is a "god of love.
" his boundless compassion for all mankind is reflected in the spiritual food which his faithful slave provides at the proper time.
wise are those who take to heart the loving reminders contained in the february 15, 2001 watchtower!.
It is articles like these that, as a child, kept me up at night, crying because my loving sweet grandparents were going to die because they were not JWs. Even as a child I knew that "those who refuse to heed His warning" meant anyone who was not a JW.
So glad my children do not have to fall asleep with such "wonderful" thoughts dancing through their precious heads.
Love to all, angie -
by waiting insimon did away with the sex forum - so i must take the tradional route and post under "make new friends.
" how mundane!.
fyi ---- for all of us, please take the time to write a sentence or two about yourselves, and encourage new ones to do the same.
Hello to all,
I am new to this site also and am addicted. I am suposed to be finishing up a research paper but everytime I get on computer I find myself here.
I am 35, live in colorado, and was partially raised in truth. I left March 99. My husband left 9 mos after I did. He is a third generation witness and a great I did not leave because of the people in the hall. I never saw the unloving actions so many on this site have, because I was one of those sweet on the outside, full of judgement and miserable on the inside. I see them now. I hung around the popular cliques for the most part but was a friend to all.LOL. I left when I got info on the organ transplant and blood fractions changes. I knew that I would had let my children die for this teaching that was suppposed to be of God, then to find out it has changed. Got me doing a lot of research on the internet. 2 weeks later I had my DA letter handed in and have never regretted it.
I go to college now and am loving it. If homework gets heavy, I remind myself that I could be studying for the service meeting instead. My appreciation for the school work soars.
Take care to all, angie -
My First Birthday Celebration
by Kristen inmy first birthday celebration.
by kristen 4/5/01.
having been brought up in the organization since age 3, the only memory of a birthday celebration i had was an old photograph of when i was 2. in front of the camera was my sister and i, with a cake baked in a regular rectangle cake pan, frosted, and with two candles sitting on top.
Happy Birthday! My birthday is in April also. This will be my 3rd one to celebrate since I left. Reading your post brought tears to my eyes and I had to reply. I love to celebrate birthdays, especially my children's and husband's. It is an expression of gratitude for their being born and in my life. How neat that you and your sister share the same birthday.Enjoy your freedom.
Hugs, angie