JoinedPosts by veradico
What Do You Think Was The Best Movie in 2007?
by new boy ini need your help i'm going to a "movie meet up group" in 30 mins.. i think it was a poor year in movies.. what do you think?
Youtube Music thread tonight, anyone?
by purplesofa insnowy white~bird of paradise.
guitar sounds sooooo good !!!!!!.
I'm sooooo angry
by shell69 inhell guys its nearly four in the morning and i can't sleep.
i'm just so annoyed!.
at work this evening i was called to talk to an customer outside one of the screens (for those of you who don't know i work in a multiplex cinema).
I wonder what she would say about this -
Youtube Music thread tonight, anyone?
by purplesofa insnowy white~bird of paradise.
guitar sounds sooooo good !!!!!!.
I'm sorry about your brother, purps. Here's a fun little clip. -
Youtube Music thread tonight, anyone?
by purplesofa insnowy white~bird of paradise.
guitar sounds sooooo good !!!!!!.
Glad you like them so far! By the way, I meant to tell you I really like your Avatar. Here's a YouTube clip in honor of Audrey: -
Youtube Music thread tonight, anyone?
by purplesofa insnowy white~bird of paradise.
guitar sounds sooooo good !!!!!!.
Thank you. I like Cat Stevens (or whatever his other name is). "If you want to be free, be free." It sounds so simple, but it can be so hard.
Pushing Daisies has become one of my new favorite shows. I'm glad you liked the song. Here are a few more. (Sorry I don't know how to make them clickable.) -
Youtube Music thread tonight, anyone?
by purplesofa insnowy white~bird of paradise.
guitar sounds sooooo good !!!!!!.
Here's a version of "Morning Has Broken" that appeared on the show Pushing Daisies recently. -
The Biblical meaning of Nebuchadnezzar's dream
by Doug Mason inin chapter 2 of daniel, nebuchadnezzar dreamt of a metallic image with a head of gold, and the remainder of the image was made of less valuable metals.
in his interpretation of the dream, daniel told the king that the gold represented the rule by babylon.
the other metals indicated that babylonian rule would be followed by subsequent empires.. in chapter 3 of daniel, nebuchadnezzar built an image that was gold from head to toe, thereby indicating his belief that babylon would continue to reign supreme, and would not be followed by any other empire.. in chapter 4 of daniel, following nebuchadnezzar's debasement and the restoration of his sanity and the return of his honor and splendor, he declared:.
It's a neat interpretation, but Nebuchadnezzar does not seem to be opposed to Daniel's prophecy at the end of chapter 2. In fact, if the author wanted that (i.e. a proud rejection of Babylon's eventual doom) to be the significance of the golden image, he could have made Neb's madness be the consequence of having the image built, instead of a few proud words about his present greatness. I think the standard interpretation has to do with making clear God's support of those who reject idols--esp. the idol of Antiochus IV Epiphanes.
Hypothetical Question
by purplesofa ini don't pretend to know why the bible has the law about homosexuality being immoral.....the only reason logically is for having babies.. so my question is.. there are two gay couples left on the planet.
will those couples go against their sexual preference to keep humankind from going extinct?.
just askin???.
It seems to me that even though a large number of gay men in ancient Greece and Rome record their being attracted to other men, they nonetheless had wives by whom they begot children. Marriage and procreation was an adult duty; pleasure and friendship might be a nice side benefit for some. I tend to agree with whoever said that with the right fantasy ejaculation is possible, whatever the source of the friction. This does not mean the sexual encounter would be satisfying, nor would it involve the emotional openness and sensitivity usually associated with a romantic relationship. Many gay people are married to people of the opposite sex even nowadays. I can only imagine how inauthentic they must feel--as if they are writing all the time with the wrong hand, or something similarly out of harmony with their nature. And, of course, it's profoundly unfair to the their spouse.
I'm so confused!
by Snoozy ini'm so daughter has two teenage children, they are a girl just turned 16 and a boy 17... when i was at her house watching tv with them..they made the kids cover their eyes when sex scenes came on.
now she just told me they both seperately went with friends to see the last "saw" movie.... since when is sawing someone up ok to watch but not sex?.
snoozy..a confused grandma...who isn't aloud to voice her opinion....
A professor of mine mentioned the other day that he saw two parents bring their small child to a horror movie he was attending. To his mind (and I tend to agree), this was a mild form of psychological abuse, and it caused him to speculate about whether or not it would be just for our society to require the passing of a test for a license to have a child. I just saw Hostel 2 recently and was sickened. There was something egregious and perverse about some of the scenes in that movie. I like the new show named Dexter on Showtime, and I'm quite fond of vampire stories and movies. For whatever reason, the predatory aspect of human nature is fascinating to me, so perhaps it's hypocritical of me to judge. Still, I think there are limits to what people can watch as entertainment before their souls become as callous to human misery as those of any sociopaths who have ever walked this earth.