I cannot see on this thread where anybody has stated that Saddam has fully destroyed the huge cache of weapons of mass destruction that the US sold him some years ago. If you read my posts they focus on the lack of evidence as of todays date that they still exist.
yes, i realize that was your point, and really the only point i was making in return is that the evidence you wish to see is already there. imo (and the unanimous opinion of the u.n. security counsel), its up to saddam to prove he destroyed them.
. I have also stated in pervious posts that I have no doubt that Saddam does possess them
then you are not one of the naive people i speak of. there are posters on this forum who truly believe he no longer possesses them, which is the fact i find unfathomable. again, i believe the burden of proof lies with hussein, as if he in fact destroyed them, he would have no problem proving as much. it would be a very simple process......show the documentation. why should it be up to us to dig through the barn full of hay and prove those needles are in fact still there?
As to the carrying capability of the medium to long range Al-Samoud missiles I am no military expert, in fact quite the opposite, though I did hear a CNN report some weeks ago that stated that these missiles ( in fact any medium to long range missiles ) can be equipped with tipped chemical and nuclear warheads. Am I wrong about this? It does not strike me as a terribly important point anyway as the UN forced compliance in their destruction for obvious reason, but if their payload abilities are important perhaps you might provide a link to prove so….lol
honestly i was just curious, because i hadnt heard that. they may indeed have those capabilities, but no, its not important to the discussion really. i probably made it sound like a point of contention, but i didnt mean it that way.
. I somehow doubt it, and it seems that many millions of ‘intelligent’ but ‘naïve’ persons world-wide seem to have the same fears.
having fears about the consequences of war does not make you naive, and i certainly hope you dont think that was ever my stance. i wasnt trying to make blanket statements about the antiwar crowd......the only people my "naive" label fits are those that think saddam doesnt in fact have wmd......hopefully we are clear on that.
As I seem to be repeating myself ad nauseum in my posts it is obvious that my points are not being clearly made
well, dont feel bad, because i am doing the same, lol.