you might get one of those wishes sooner than expected......
> BREAKING NEWS | U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warns Syria that the U.S. considers military shipments to Iraq a 'hostile act.' Details soon. |
before everyone gets all huffy about another war thread, i tried to reply in the original thread, but it buggered up.
simon, if you want to move it there and get rid of this thread, please do.
you might get one of those wishes sooner than expected......
> BREAKING NEWS | U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warns Syria that the U.S. considers military shipments to Iraq a 'hostile act.' Details soon. |
let's lighten the mood a little.. this is very clever and very funny.. http://w1.318.telia.com/~u31815086/readmylips_blush.mov
hilarious! i missed this the first time around...thanks for bringing it back up thichi.....ill be forwarding that page to the rest of the office.....pretty funny stuff.
before everyone gets all huffy about another war thread, i tried to reply in the original thread, but it buggered up.
simon, if you want to move it there and get rid of this thread, please do.
On this basis of this comment when can we expect to see an invasion of Cuba, Indonesia, Syria, Columbia, Zimbawe etc. etc.
i think the intent of the comment was to get to the nuts and bolts of whether t h really cares about every death in iraq, or only the ones that fit his antiwar agenda, and if he cares about them all equally, hes asked to answer a question about solutions honestly and intelligently. is that unfair h.s?
butalbee is 21 .
imanaliento is 29 again .
wow, all these bdays today.....happy birthday to you both!
the house i live in is old and so the wood is true wood, not some sort of compressed plywood nonsense.
i have a loft that is all wood, the walls, floors, etc.
yesterday i cleaned the entire room from top to bottom with pledge wood cleaner.
my mind must have been in the gutter when i read this title.....sorry, dont have any advice about waxing woodwork.
its a pretty sobering list to look through, but i thought it would be helpful for those who have friends/family (as i do) in action right now.
cnn updates the list daily.. http://www.cnn.com/specials/2003/iraq/forces/casualties/index.html.
np.......heres another one.....officially listed pow/mia(s):
how could the us possibly lose?
well, obviously not in any outright confrontation.
iraq has no chance of waging any effective war without wmd.
The best tactic for Saddam is let the US walk right into Bhagdad. He should disband his regular army into cells that will then perpetrate acts of ‘terrorism’.
the problem with this theory/suggestion is that saddams "regular army" isnt even paid, in fact they are forced to fight with little or no supplies/food/water the majority of the time. they fight out of their fear of saddam, not because the are dedicated to defeating the invading forces. the republican guard is a different story, but i imagine they too will fold like a cheap suit once the command is taken down.
its a pretty sobering list to look through, but i thought it would be helpful for those who have friends/family (as i do) in action right now.
cnn updates the list daily.. http://www.cnn.com/specials/2003/iraq/forces/casualties/index.html.
its a pretty sobering list to look through, but i thought it would be helpful for those who have friends/family (as i do) in action right now. cnn updates the list daily.
unfortunately, it seems that people are unable or unwilling to debate or discuss the war and stay civil.
people are accused of all sorts of extremes such as "advocating child torture and rape" if you are against the war or "being a mass murderer and war criminal" if you support it.. some people seem to want to be able to post anything they want and it be accepted verbatim while other people are denied an opinion that doesn't agree with theirs.. i for one am sick of it and i suspect that other people are too.. this is supposed to be a site for jw related issues.
not exclusively but primarily.
well, i can honestly say i missed that comment. there are probably more of these types of accusations ive missed as well, which is why i was asking for links.
I notice you'd already commented on this very topic on that thread.
yes i did, and explained my comments there as i have here. i honestly believe that a lot of good will come of the war, and most of the antiwar posters refuse to admit it for fear of looking like a supporter. now you have admitted it finally, so bravo!
unfortunately, it seems that people are unable or unwilling to debate or discuss the war and stay civil.
people are accused of all sorts of extremes such as "advocating child torture and rape" if you are against the war or "being a mass murderer and war criminal" if you support it.. some people seem to want to be able to post anything they want and it be accepted verbatim while other people are denied an opinion that doesn't agree with theirs.. i for one am sick of it and i suspect that other people are too.. this is supposed to be a site for jw related issues.
not exclusively but primarily.
well, i know of this link:
and i just assumed thats the one you were referring to everytime you made this statement about advocating child torture and rape. i couldnt find anywhere in that thread where any poster said this, but as i pointed out, it seems like the antiwar posters simply refuse to agree that good will come of this war. i think that accusation is made often, and can be backed pretty firmly. if i accuse someone of not accepting/agreeing that a lot of good will come out of this war, am i accusing that person of being pro-torture? i have seen quite a few "pro-saddam" accusations, and if thats what youre referring to every time you bring up the "child-torture and rape" statements, then i know exactly what you mean.