t h-
baby killer supporter
where do you keep coming up with this garbage?
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/01/international/worldspecial/01pent.html?pagewanted=1&th rumsfeld's design for war criticized on the battlefield
by bernard weinraub with thom shanker
corps headquarters, near the kuwait-iraq border, march 31 long-simmering tensions between defense secretary donald h. rumsfeld and army commanders have erupted in a series of complaints from officers on the iraqi battlefield that the pentagon has not sent enough troops to wage the war as they want to fight it.. here today, raw nerves were obvious as officers compared mr. rumsfeld to robert s. mcnamara, an architect of the vietnam war who failed to grasp the political and military realities of vietnam.. one colonel, who spoke on the condition that his name be withheld, was among the officers criticizing decisions to limit initial deployments of troops to the region.
t h-
baby killer supporter
where do you keep coming up with this garbage?
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/01/international/worldspecial/01pent.html?pagewanted=1&th rumsfeld's design for war criticized on the battlefield
by bernard weinraub with thom shanker
corps headquarters, near the kuwait-iraq border, march 31 long-simmering tensions between defense secretary donald h. rumsfeld and army commanders have erupted in a series of complaints from officers on the iraqi battlefield that the pentagon has not sent enough troops to wage the war as they want to fight it.. here today, raw nerves were obvious as officers compared mr. rumsfeld to robert s. mcnamara, an architect of the vietnam war who failed to grasp the political and military realities of vietnam.. one colonel, who spoke on the condition that his name be withheld, was among the officers criticizing decisions to limit initial deployments of troops to the region.
another news article with no comment for discussion? how many is that now t h? maybe you missed the threads about new war topics, and not simply turning this into a news channel..?.
a journalist's account of the killing of a car full of iraqi civilians by us soldiers differs widely from the official military version, says brian whitaker .
tuesday april 1, 2003 .
the invasion forces suffered another self-inflicted disaster in the battle for hearts and minds yesterday when soldiers from the us 3rd infantry division shot dead iraqi seven women and children.
you are primarily aggrivated about the language instead of the killings? WEIRD!
no, im not aggrivated about the language at all.....i posted that simply because the washington post would never print that, and it sounded to me like the writer was trying to put a credible source behind some embellishment of the incident......after reading the washington post article though, i realize it was simply edited out, and the account is as purported.......my mistake by making hasteful judgement.
as far as the killings go, i think its a horrible tragedy, and someone should be held accountable for it. innocent children being shot to death is disgusting, and extremely sad. im not sure how anyone knows who to shoot and who not to shoot over there, with all the confusion and iraqi soldiers in civilian clothes...its got to be nerve racking at all times. unfortunately, this probably wont be the last of such incidents.
a journalist's account of the killing of a car full of iraqi civilians by us soldiers differs widely from the official military version, says brian whitaker .
tuesday april 1, 2003 .
the invasion forces suffered another self-inflicted disaster in the battle for hearts and minds yesterday when soldiers from the us 3rd infantry division shot dead iraqi seven women and children.
However, according to the Washington Post, Captain Ronny Johnson, who was in charge of the checkpoint, blamed his own troops for ignoring orders to fire a warning shot."You just fucking killed a family because you didn't fire a warning shot soon enough!", he reportedly yelled at them.
the washington post printed that? geez, youd think they would have at least edited out the language.
is the sedition act appropriate today?
now that we are at war, should this act be used to address some that oppose the war?
this question was put to me, i now ask for your comments.
Well, these are not contradictory: he may report the truth of what is happening and doing that may be a misjudgement as the American people obviously do not want to hear it or else the powers that be don't want them to.
oh simon, i just thought it was funny that he specifically said he would not apologize, and followed up by apologizing.....it really just struck me as humorous, and obviously this has nothing to do with him being fired....it was only sarcasm on my part.
And again ... how are these contradictory? If I am pro-war or anti-war, does this affect what the truth is? Are only "anti-war reporters" (whatever they are) allowed to report for a newspaper that has voiced some opposition of the war?
they arent contradictory.......if you look back on my post, youll see that i labeled that particular segment "interesting". i found it interesting that shortly after affirming that he was not antiwar, he joined up with a tabloid that is "strongly opposed" to the war. i still find it interesting, but no, it isnt neccesarily contradictory, and really i just once again found it funny....but i certainly wasnt trying to base any real argument on either of these examples, and i hardly thought you would take my post as a serious rebuttal.
Of course you have avoided the real issue here and done your usual trick of picking up on odd words and sentances and trying to fashion an argument around them:
again, sorry for the confusion, as i wasnt meaning to "fashion" any real argument here, and you have made valid points about the firing being a form of censorship. i have to agree with you on that one, as it looked pretty suspect to me as well......i just thought some of the inconsistencies in the article were funny.
i do find it extremely interesting that you once again publicly accuse me of "picking up odd words and sentences" after i completely blasted that argument to shreds the last time you attempted to make it. maybe you forgot about that one....or maybe my points finally sunk in, and you felt you needed to slink away and once again ignore them.?. just as a reminder, since you felt the need to make this accusation again, heres the last thread you made it on, complete with my replies:
how much do y'all think that the internet has to do w the public opinion of the war?
could it be that the pro war side is mainly fed by television and radio, whereas the anti war side uses the internet more?
what is your estimation of the internet influences and uses?
Could it be that the pro war side is mainly fed by television and radio, whereas the anti war side uses the internet more?
i dont know, i dont really think so personally. i do a lot of web searches on the war, and always read the links provided by the anti side, and have yet to read anything to change my prowar stance. i think the anti side does get the majority of their news from the web, but theres a good reason for that....namely that they discount 99% of the information coming from the mainstream news channels as "propaganda", and therefore flock to the internet in search of "alternative" news sources.
imo, the prowar side gets their propaganda from various sources, internet included, whereas the antiwar side prefers to get their propaganda from the internet only. bottom line, both sides are fed exactly what the feeders want them to eat.......ammunition for their stance.
is the sedition act appropriate today?
now that we are at war, should this act be used to address some that oppose the war?
this question was put to me, i now ask for your comments.
simon said:
Interesting ... is no one allowed to have an opinion that conflicts with the official 'party line' anymore ?
or maybe they canned him because of his newfound ability to contradict himself? just check his statements in the article:
"I report the truth of what is happening here in Baghdad and will not apologise for it."
On the same broadcast, Arnett, 68, apologised to NBC and to the US public, saying he was "embarrassed" by the controversy.
"I want to apologise to the American people for clearly making a misjudgement," he said
this is also interesting:
Within hours of his dismissal, Arnett was hired by the Daily Mirror, a UK tabloid newspaper strongly opposed to the war in Iraq.
compare with:
I am not anti-war, I am not anti-military," Arnett said
http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/news/articles/0326war-jordan26.html iraqi expatriates return to battle u.s.
margaret coker .
cox news service.
Bite me bush boy, I'm sorry you don't find the killing of children appauling
when did i say that? please dont put words in my mouth t h, as i do find the killing of children appalling.
and I'm sorry you choose to follow a moron, this in itself doesn't say much for your IQ.
what "moron" am i following? when did i say i followed bush, and all of his policies blindly? this is more blanket generalization....the same types of generalized statements you and the antiwar camp constantly make about anyone who is prowar. sorry, this is a very flimsy argument, and once again filled with insults, which only further detracts from your overall stance.
yes, folks, it's the end of summer daylight saving time tonite.
so all clocks are to be turned back at 3 am australian eastern standard time.. what will you do with the extra hour?
ooohh...think of the possibilities!!
I think a couple of U.S. states do similarly, but I do not remember which ones.
well, i know here in indiana we dont change....actually its only the northern parts of indiana, which really makes no sense. for some reason, they refuse to pick up daylight savings time, so by the end of the summer we cant golf past 6 pm.
http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/news/articles/0326war-jordan26.html iraqi expatriates return to battle u.s.
margaret coker .
cox news service.
You bush people can go to hell, as far as I'm concerned, and acording the rules of texas, you need your asses kicked.
more kind words from t h? this is one poster who always calmly and rationally discusses the topic on hand, without ever resorting to aggression or insults. i applaud t h for his never-ending ability to carry out a conversation without ever weakening his stance with such tactics.....bravo!