"you cant kill all three of us cartman."
"cant i?"
ive havent noticed to many references to south park on the board we have south park watchers on here?.
if so, did anyone catch the 100th episode last night?
i would reccomend that episode to everyone on this board that has been discussing the war was hilarious, and made some great points with humor that both sides could get something out of.....pretty funny stuff.
"you cant kill all three of us cartman."
"cant i?"
so, the iraqis did want us to liberate them.
what are your pathetic responses to the images of cheering iraqis?.
thank god bush knows better than to listen to you..
that website looks to be giving you conflicting reports......heres another article from the same website, talking of the crowd:
There was some suspicion that the crowd that jumped up and down on the metal carcass had been bused in from the Shia suburb of Saddam City. That was not the case, they were mostly local. But they were the same people who chanted "My blood, my spirit, I shall die for you O Saddam" – until the last day of the regime.
so, which is it? were they brought there from the pentagon as your picture suggests? or were they local as this other front page article admits?
notice how the article tries to make it a point to talk about these people and their former worship of saddam, as if their newfound excitement was, duh, of course they chanted worship of saddam, for fear of being tortured....i probably would too.
ive havent noticed to many references to south park on the board we have south park watchers on here?.
if so, did anyone catch the 100th episode last night?
i would reccomend that episode to everyone on this board that has been discussing the war was hilarious, and made some great points with humor that both sides could get something out of.....pretty funny stuff.
"blame canada...blame canada!..." thanks rayzor for putting that in my head for the rest of the day.....what a classic that movie is. i think i actually laugh harder each time i watch it. saddam and the devil as bed buddies...another historic moment in hollywood.
just so no one got the wrong idea about my politically incorrect statement.....that is what i love about the show the most (and im sure this is true with just about everyone)....but, i dont think its for everyone, just because ive witnessed a few, shall we say, "sensitive" people viewing it, and getting incredibly offended. some cant take tasteless humor i guess.....but give it to me all day, theres no better kind.
anyone catch the t.p. episode last week?......"so, watcha got here boys....hmmmm, toilet paper, toilet, toilet paper, toilet paper....chewing gum?! you kids be careful with this, dont go putting it under any desks or anything, ok?....hmm, toilet paper, toilet paper......." LMAO
an article from the al jazeera web site... .
(because the address has "&" signs in it, you will have to cut and paste the address into a new browser to view to actual web site.).
well, believing everything is better than my see, i now realize that everything coming from the mainstream media is one big lie, so i choose to believe nothing....and i mean nothing. i saw on the news last night where the amber alert system looks like its probably going to become law nationwide.....immediately i started wondering, what does bush have up his sleeve this time? for what nasty purpose is he going to exploit these poor missing children? its got to be some sort of conspiracy to rob me of my tax dollars, so i for one have already decided to avoid checking the alerts whenever i see giving this government a big boycott on their newest scheme......and i suggest you do the same.
what posters do you like the most on this forum and why?.
i miss you know......he definitely made an impact, for better or worse.
just an interesting article:.
the washington post's gas attack .
today's outrage was yesterday's no big deal .
i have a question for you....can you send me an email real quick if you have the chance? mailto:[email protected]
so, the iraqis did want us to liberate them.
what are your pathetic responses to the images of cheering iraqis?.
thank god bush knows better than to listen to you..
By the same reasoning, the number of people who protested the war "proves" that everyone was against it does it not?
the majority was against it, yes. the u.s. i believe is the only country where the majority of the public approved of the war, and the antiwar crowd will tell you that even those stats are probably spun by the u.s. propaganda machine. but, all in all id say that reasoning works pretty good for the argument that most were indeed against the war.
it doesnt "prove" that everyone was against it...but im sure you already know that no one on this thread has said this act "proved" that every iraqi has open arms for the u.s. troops, dont you? ive noticed you have a habit of implying the other side has taken a certain stance (with very little to back up the implication), and then attempting to discredit it. you generalize quite often, and almost always ignore a solid point when it is made. you basically engage in the exact types of antics that i see you accuse others of. just some observations.
You cannot judge the mood and intent of a city of 5million based on an emotive, one off event on an extraordinary day.We have to hope they will remain 'positive' to the west but be prepared for their mood changing the them chosing a government that doesn't like us ... if they are allowed of course.
i agree.
ive havent noticed to many references to south park on the board we have south park watchers on here?.
if so, did anyone catch the 100th episode last night?
i would reccomend that episode to everyone on this board that has been discussing the war was hilarious, and made some great points with humor that both sides could get something out of.....pretty funny stuff.
ive got to see that one...youre the second person whos reccomended it, and believe it or not, the other person gave me that same quote! im a pretty religious watcher now, but ive missed quite a few from previous seasons.....i got some catching up to do, thank goodness theyre blasting reruns all the time now.
ive havent noticed to many references to south park on the board we have south park watchers on here?.
if so, did anyone catch the 100th episode last night?
i would reccomend that episode to everyone on this board that has been discussing the war was hilarious, and made some great points with humor that both sides could get something out of.....pretty funny stuff.
ive havent noticed to many references to south park on the board we have south park watchers on here?
if so, did anyone catch the 100th episode last night? i would reccomend that episode to everyone on this board that has been discussing the war was hilarious, and made some great points with humor that both sides could get something out of.....pretty funny stuff. of course south park is about the most politically INcorrect program youll ever watch, so i suppose its not for everyone.
just an interesting article:.
the washington post's gas attack .
today's outrage was yesterday's no big deal .
basically your post backs us removing saddam from power with force......but we waited way too long. i agree 100%, and better late than never.