congrats eman!
it happened all on the same day.. firstly, a fine bouncing first grandson!
his name is charlie hooper, and he arrived yesterday weighing in at 7 pounds 13 ounces.
he's pink and round and absolutely delightful.
congrats eman!
scary stuff:.
by maggie fox, health and science correspondent washington (reuters) - an alarming new respiratory disease that spread from southern china to virtually every continent within months is probably here to stay, health experts say.
world health officials moved quickly to try to contain the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome once word got out, but it was carried too quickly by person-to-person contact and is now probably entrenched in the population, they said.
... i would say that we have seen chemical weapons tests in syria over the past 12, 15 months, rumsfeld said, without giving details.
we have intelligence that shows that syria has allowed syrians and others to come across the border into iraq, people armed and people carrying leaflets indicating that theyll be rewarded if they kill americans and members of the coalition.. syria has long been on a u.s. list of states suspected of supporting terrorism...... you can find more here:.
Wake up people. Educate yourselves and stop being blinded by the war machine and the propaganda spoonfed daily in the media.
i posted this on another thread, and this comment made me think i should repost it here........
i now realize that everything coming from the mainstream media is one big lie, so i choose to believe nothing....and i mean nothing. i saw on the news last night where the amber alert system looks like its probably going to become law nationwide.....immediately i started wondering, what does bush have up his sleeve this time? for what nasty purpose is he going to exploit these poor missing children? its got to be some sort of conspiracy to rob me of my tax dollars, so i for one have already decided to avoid checking the alerts whenever i see giving this government a big boycott on their newest scheme......and i suggest everyone else does the same.
... i would say that we have seen chemical weapons tests in syria over the past 12, 15 months, rumsfeld said, without giving details.
we have intelligence that shows that syria has allowed syrians and others to come across the border into iraq, people armed and people carrying leaflets indicating that theyll be rewarded if they kill americans and members of the coalition.. syria has long been on a u.s. list of states suspected of supporting terrorism...... you can find more here:.
... i would say that we have seen chemical weapons tests in syria over the past 12, 15 months, rumsfeld said, without giving details.
we have intelligence that shows that syria has allowed syrians and others to come across the border into iraq, people armed and people carrying leaflets indicating that theyll be rewarded if they kill americans and members of the coalition.. syria has long been on a u.s. list of states suspected of supporting terrorism...... you can find more here:.
your tirade of implications and insults is the exact type of post that led simon to suggest we quit discussing these issues on jwd. its unfortunate that some cant rationally discuss, but ill humor your questions.
Are you admitting you are yet another mindless kneejerk fascist who sees war not as a final option to an unsolvable problem, but rather as the first choice in lieu of Bush's Preemptive Strike Defence policy?
i dont see war as a first choice, but rather a last option. here, perhaps you missed this in my post:
syria and all the rest of them have to be dealt with at some point.......lets just hope it doesnt come to war in every instance (which im quite sure it wont). i think they will start coming to their senses.
i certainly hope it doesnt come to war in every instance, and i think thats HIGHLY improbable. heres a blip from an a.p. article that reinforces what im saying about them "coming to their senses":
Danielle Pletka, a Middle East expert at the American Enterprise Institute, said some leaders, such as Syrian President Bashar Assad and Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, are aware of the dynamics in the region.
"What we want people to do is to step back, take a deep breath and reassess the decisions that they have been making that not only threaten the United States and our allies in the Middle East, but do not serve in any way the vast mass of the people in the Middle East," she said. "Certainly, initial steps away from sponsorship of terrorism are a smart move.",2933,84194,00.html
i dont think war is ever the best outcome, and i certainly hope it can be avoided as much as possible in these future dealings. do i think its a possibility, and will i support it if and when it becomes neccesary again? yes.
Do you like to see people killed, Dubla? Hate them ragheads, eh?
these comments speak volumes about your ability to engage in intelligent discourse. no i dont like seeing people killed, and one of my best friends happens to be married to a "raghead" (your label, not mine), and they have three beautiful children together. i do not hate her or her children, quite the contrary as i care deeply for their entire family.
... i would say that we have seen chemical weapons tests in syria over the past 12, 15 months, rumsfeld said, without giving details.
we have intelligence that shows that syria has allowed syrians and others to come across the border into iraq, people armed and people carrying leaflets indicating that theyll be rewarded if they kill americans and members of the coalition.. syria has long been on a u.s. list of states suspected of supporting terrorism...... you can find more here:.
Now, we'll be told that Osama and Saddam have gone to Syria with a truck load of WoMD ... they they will have made it to N.Korea and so on ...I cannot believe they are so dumb as to imagine that we are so stupid to fall for this !
so stupid to fall for, you mean, syria is all about oil as well? and i suppose every other dictator that harbors terrorists...if we go after them, itll still be about our oil problem, each time? the fact of the matter is, when we went after iraq, all the antiwar posters on this board asked..."why not ___ dictator, and why not ____ ? (syria was often mentioned as one of these examples).......they harbor terrorists, they do bad things, what about all these countries?" a lot of us replied with "one at a time", and "each situation is different, but will hopefully be dealt with before its all over" you are seeing the reality of "one at a time" in action.
so i guess we will start hearing the argument: "do they think we are so stupid to not realize that the u.s. and u.k. want to take over the oil supply of every country on the earth?"
itll always be some big conspiracy to take over the world for those that want so desperately to believe it. bottom line, bush said hes going after terrorism all over, and hes going to do it. the biggest problem with wmd at this point in time, is the possibility of them getting into the hands of terrorists.....thats why saddam was suddenly more of a threat than in the past, and thats why syria and all the rest of them have to be dealt with at some point.......lets just hope it doesnt come to war in every instance (which im quite sure it wont). i think they will start coming to their senses.
i watch this show yesterday on cbcnewsworld.
this was already broadcast to europe but not in the us due to the war.
it was about a warlord general abdul rashid dostum, who was responsible for massacring taliban prisoners of war.
t h-
I have met many anti-war, republicans, that still support many of bushs other policy's
did you tell them they were morons for following a moron? just wondering, since youve made that implication many times on this board about anyone who supports bush.
the fact that youve met antiwar republicans that support bush underlines the fact that there are no doubt prowar democrats that hate bush.........
I think being pro-war/and not pro-bush is an exception to the rule.
This isn't about party lines
these two statements are contradictory, cant you see that?
i watch this show yesterday on cbcnewsworld.
this was already broadcast to europe but not in the us due to the war.
it was about a warlord general abdul rashid dostum, who was responsible for massacring taliban prisoners of war.
t h-
you didnt post my entire is the sentence in its entirety, ill bold/italic the part that you apparently missed:
anyone who is "pro-war" is immediately a "bush apologist" who blanketly agrees with everything any u.s. soldier does.....and of course bush personally condones these actions himself, lol.
sounds a little different with the rest of the comment doesnt it? there are plenty of people who support the war and are against bush...but thats not even the point i was trying to make. why would you attempt to misrepresent what i was saying?.....thats not like you at all, im truly shocked.
nothing you said was going to happen has actually happened.
the iraqis have welcomed us with open arms.
we have not decimated baghdad's infrastructure.
um, franks a "neutral source of information"? i think anyone declaring tommy franks as "neutral" would have to be committed! obviously hes not neutral in any way shape or form....the fact is, if tommy franks says our soldiers are going to search 1000 sites for wmd, disproving that statement is going to prove difficult. i suppose he could be lying outright and making up numbers, but implying that would be nothing more than an unfounded accusation. sorry, but if our military is searching the grounds, our military is going to report how many sites have been searched, and how many more will be. with a country the size of california, the numbers given are not surprising at fact im surprised they arent higher.
nothing you said was going to happen has actually happened.
the iraqis have welcomed us with open arms.
we have not decimated baghdad's infrastructure.
well, the number of sites to be checked was given by tommy franks, so i suppose what youd be looking for is a second source confirming the words of tommy franks, which shouldnt be too tall of an order.........unless youre wanting a second source besides franks, which could of course only come from our military considering we are the ones searching, and id imagine anyone from our military would back up what franks has to say on the matter. disproving his intelligence information on the suspected sites would probably prove to be pretty difficult, im guessing.