Whether these movies are succesful or not ouside of America, I don't see as an argument
ah, but the fact that they were successful inside of america was your original argument about judging the united states as a nation. i just turned it around and asked, can we judge the people of another nation in the same way, according to what was/is "successful" entertainment in that country? i never made a claim about the movies being "good" because of their success....this idea was yet another strawman from you.
as you said; neither of us has shown any figures pertaining to boxoffice success.
actually i did...i just didnt leave a link. if youd like one, i can provide it.
You haven't at any point agreed that is someone would criticise country B as well as the USA for a certain action, then obviously they can't be anti-American
i thought i had agreed on that, but maybe i didnt in so many words. actually, my whole original point somewhat stemmed from this idea, as i showed an example of someone that was criticizing country B and the USA for the war in iraq, but subsequently stating that country B was still somehow "better" because of the way it was going about executing the same "mistake". sort of a "i think both countries are wrong, but mine is less wrong for the same action" line of thinking. anyhow, i do agree with your above statement in principle.
You also haven't made any comments on considerations of scale, which obviously lead to the USA getting more criticism.
actually i did comment on this....and i agreed that the extra criticism was expected.
I also think that for someone who isn't bothered by the amount of criticism or by what you see as anti-Americanism, and for someone who finds it funny other people waste their energy with such obsessions, you do spend an awful amount of time responding to threads where people criticise America and act in ways you might see as anti-American.
if you mean the threads in general about the war and america, i really think theyve been enjoyable and educational....not bothersome on a personal level. they were/are topics that are interesting to me, and i have the same discussions with friends and family members (none of who id consider to be anti-american, btw). am i personally bothered by someone who i think is anti-american? not in the least. will i back up something i believe in during an extended debate with such a person? all day long. its pretty easy to tell who the people are that get personally worked up over the anti-american sentiment.....personal attacks and yelling generally come out in their responses to what is recieved as "america bashing"....or perhaps they simply decide to leave the board because of it. i would also add here, that i do understand why some get worked up, and the fact that its not necessarily my hot button doesnt mean i think their feelings are unwarranted.....quite the contrary.
Hmmmm... but that's me having an opinion and discerning things again, isn't it?
its you implying that im a bold-faced liar, and yes, you are entitled to that opinion.
Nowhere, in as many words. But you've certainly said you are of the opinion you can tell.
So, am I anti-American?
honestly, ive never thought so. i believe i even thanked you for your objective input on the wmd thread, if i remember correctly. that was hardly an accusation of america bashing, was it?