just like an TYPICAL ant
since you wish to call this "school", lets nit pick. shouldnt this be "a" typical, and what is the "ant" reference about? perhaps you meant "anti", its hard telling when dealing with someone with your level of intelligence.
you refuse to look at the context..as it was a ref to BELIEF and changes.....
no, i didnt refuse to look at the context. you showed very clearly that your beliefs about the trinity didnt need a card to back them up, and they still havent changed.
the pioneer reference, although completely irrelevant, was to show that pioneers once carried cards, now they dont, and the discontinuation of the card carrying has changed nothing about the beliefs of pioneers.
if i have misunderstood either of these two references, please explain, and bring your shovel, i cant wait to hear this.
either way, your examples lend just a little less than zero to this discussion of the discontinuation of the BLOOD CARD, which is a HIGHLY IMPORTANT legal document when dealing with the blood issue in an emergency situation. if the blood cards were made obsolete, it would COMPLETELY change the beliefs behind the cards, unlike the two nonsensical examples you gave.........how could a witness believe in "no blood" without carrying the card? please refer to my car accident scenario above before answering.