The problem is, the UK posts the dossier, the USA refers to the british 'evidence' and the UK then refers to what the president says. They have their own big circular argument of "proof" going on.
i was specifically talking about powells presentation. ive heard more than one person on this thread alone accuse powell of using a 12 year old student report as part of this presentation.......the problem is, posters fabricate statements, and then when called to the mat on them, they simply ignore. you know this tactic well, so i dont have to explain it to you.
and what of the intelligence reports of other countries? do you honestly believe that the u.k. and u.s. were on an island with their belief that saddam had wmd?
It's strange that the same people who were so against the weapons inspectors being given more time now want to give the British and US governments a "signed check" when it comes to delivering proof.
the same can be said of the other side.....its strange that the same people who wanted to give the inspectors months, even YEARS to search iraq, now want the weapons to be found yesterday.