Nah, what you yanks play is fantasy, the Brits play the real thing!!!!
what, that little to no contact sport thats so extremely exciting the average final score is 1-0? aa
i'm wondering who would be interested in playing in a fantasy football league if i set one up?.
we would have a lottery to see who drafted first....last and of course that would be accomplished online.. there are free versions and some that are better that would cost roughly $10 per person.. no less than 12 - no more than 16 teams would work.. you can respond here or pm me.. we would want football loving people who are serious about losing to my team.
Nah, what you yanks play is fantasy, the Brits play the real thing!!!!
what, that little to no contact sport thats so extremely exciting the average final score is 1-0? aa
i'm wondering who would be interested in playing in a fantasy football league if i set one up?.
we would have a lottery to see who drafted first....last and of course that would be accomplished online.. there are free versions and some that are better that would cost roughly $10 per person.. no less than 12 - no more than 16 teams would work.. you can respond here or pm me.. we would want football loving people who are serious about losing to my team.
im assuming you mean american football...and you have a pm.
do you guys play fantasy football over there?
much better than ever changing polls and public opinion.. what do you think?
many believe that america 'cannot loose' as they have a massively more powerful force against guys with rifles but could they get bogged down for longer than expected?
could the economy collapse?
The stock market is always a good measure of how things are going.Much better than ever changing polls and public opinion.
going along with this theory, things must be going pretty well since the time of this post.....
dow then: 8243
dow now: 10346
increase: 25.5%
Could the economy collapse?
doesnt look to be happening anytime soon.....ask youknow, hell let us in on when the next time "collapse" is near.....maybe sometime around october.
one soldier?s viewpoint of iraq.
greetings (names withheld).
as i head off to baghdad for the final weeks of my stay in iraq, i wanted to say thanks to all of you who did not believe the media.
been away....
As for the difference between CNN and FOX, I think you miss the point of the comparisons being made with PBS et. al. showing at least a four-fold increase in liklihood of misconceptions.
then you agree that cnn viewers are also being fed the same "non-facts" as fox viewers? i think you miss the point that you singled out fox, when in fact the difference between fox, cnn, and msnbc is apparently miniscule. if you had set out with an argument against mainstream media versus pbs, then youd have a much more solid foundation to work it is, your argument against fox is weak at best.
If you agree that the Bush administration effectively deceived the American public, will you be voting for them again in November?
kerry hasnt shown me a thing yet....and i certainly dont believe in voting for someone just because hes the other choice. so, well see. keep in mind too, that regardless of whether or not a "threat" was over-hyped, i still believe saddam needed to be ousted, and im glad he was.
We've 'established' around 80 million or so conservatives who watch FOX effectively know dick. Whether they choose FOX because of pre-existing conditions or have their world-view distorted by FOX does not change them knowing dick.
well, unless the survey broke down which viewers were conservative and which were liberal, then no, we havent established how many conservatives even watch fox. furthermore, we have only "established" your assertion if weve also "established" that cnn and msnbc viewers also "know dick". whether they choose cnn and msnbc because of pre-existing conditions or have their world-view distorted by cnn and msnbc does not change them "knowing dick", right? so, weve really "established" dick about fox, unless we are only comparing fox to pbs (and then, in all fairness, we have to compare cnn and msnbc to pbs as again, this doesnt single out fox).
As journalists are not using or selecting a joke of a TV station as their main source of information, they know more than dick. The difference in politics could therefore be down to conservatives knowing dick, and journalists being occasionally well-informed about world affairs.
well, if they select cnn or msnbc as their main source of information, they know little more (if still havent provided the specific stats) than fox viewers. do you really think the majority of journalists choose pbs as their main source of information? give me a break. and, again, what about conservative journalists? we cant compare apples to oranges, no matter how bad youd like to.
one soldier?s viewpoint of iraq.
greetings (names withheld).
as i head off to baghdad for the final weeks of my stay in iraq, i wanted to say thanks to all of you who did not believe the media.
Actually, atm we are discussing the percentage of journalists that are liberal. So, you did not address my comments in the context of the discussion.
Did we switch from the 'liberalism' of the press back to US politics? I must have missed it.
first off, you are replying to a comment i made to moody which was actually just an inside joke. secondly, the topic all along has been largely political, if you read back over the thread. "we", as in you and i, havent been talking about anything up until now. i did address your comments in the context of the discussion when i said:
in discussions such as these, and in the survey stats i provided, thats what "liberal viewpoint" generally means.
if you dont think thats the definition or general meaning that was intended by the journalists who answered the survey, please elaborate on why. please note this clip from the survey i provided:
Journalists at national and local news organizations are notably different from the general public in their ideology and attitudes toward political and social issues.
one soldier?s viewpoint of iraq.
greetings (names withheld).
as i head off to baghdad for the final weeks of my stay in iraq, i wanted to say thanks to all of you who did not believe the media.
me, ruffle feathers? you know me better than that.
Methinks you are looking to argue bc you are bored...Hmm. I wonder if you always look for arguments when you've got nothing better going on.... just to see people steam.
sometimes debate can be fun and educational, and not involve any "steaming". you should try it.
btw, we are discussing u.s. politics here, not eskimos and hockey.....i dont want you to get lost.
one soldier?s viewpoint of iraq.
greetings (names withheld).
as i head off to baghdad for the final weeks of my stay in iraq, i wanted to say thanks to all of you who did not believe the media.
figured you must have been away...wb.
You have an.. interesting argument. You seem to suggest that Conservative viewers select a channel that is Conservative. Okay, fine. But why would this increase the chance that they believe misinformation?
you are correct that i had offered no answer to that specific question...i just posed it as a possibility. but rem had an answer that might make some sense:
Another reason Fox viewers may have misconceptions is due to right-wing talk radio commentators. Ultra conservatives who listen to talk radio (the majority of talk radio is absurdly right wing in the US) may identify best with the Fox news channel.
i could see that, honestly. i was riding in a car with a friend of mine, right after the war started. hes what i would call "ultra conservative", and listens to rush religiously. well, rush happened to be on the radio in his car at the time, and mr. limbaugh was strongly suggesting (as if it was fact), that earlier that day u.s. soldiers had found solid evidence of wmds, and it was only a matter of time (a short amount of time) that the smoking gun would be out. i think it was stemming from what he labeled "high levels" of sarin found in a river. i never heard a thing about it after that....nothing on the news, internet, anywhere.
They were about misconceptions over areas of factual determination where FOX viewers were disproportionately likely to be.. what was the word?... oh... WRONG.
again, i dont have the actual stats from the survey, but what percentage number are you considering to be "diproportionately likely to be...wrong"? you havent really qualified that statement with solid numbers. according to your clip, cnn viewers "were not much better informed". what does "not much better" mean? is it enough of a margin to say unequivically that fox viewers were "misinformed" in comparison to cnn viewers? what was the error margin of the survey? the stats you provided, up to this point, just arent that convincing.
That was a joke. You seem to be suggesting that the misconceptions were due to pre-existing conditions on the part of the viewers
i was suggesting that was a possibility. one reason, if we go off of the idea that the government (bush) was (knowingly or unknowingly) providing misinformation to the public, conservatives may be more likely to trust it/him than liberals. this is only another possibility, not necessarily my belief. the same could be true of the clinton scandal....when he said "i did not have sexual relations with that woman", id guess there might have been a greater number of misinformed liberals than conservatives on the subject.
And it?s my opinion you select your facts to believe this.
my facts are just quite a bit more convincing than yours, imo of course, lol.
And do you really believe (as I outlined I believe) that the Bush Admin were cogniscent of the difficulty of getting public support behind an extra-territorial war if the public believed the target of that war was of no real danger to them?
yes i do, and ive said as much on past threads.
And that they were selective at times in their presentation of information so as to foster beliefs in a direct threat to the USA from Iraq?
yep, i think the direct threat was over-hyped.
If a news channel is reporting non-facts, to argue until you?re blue in the face that the viewers believing these non-facts is nothing to do with their viewing habits requires an awful lot of trust in coincidence.
this gets back to what i was saying in my last post. if, as you suggest, fox is reporting "non-facts", then according to your stats, cnn must also be reporting these same non-facts (due to the fact that cnn viewers werent much better informed). now, that works fine if your original argument was about the u.s. media, but it wasnt, it was specifically about fox news.
IF conservatives, as represented by FOX viewers, are conservative due to their world view, and their world view is in error or selective, then one could argue that those with a more accurate world-view (like... oh, I don't know, journalists?)
why would journalists necessarily have a more accurate world view than conservatives? youre not even comparing apples to apples here, as there are no doubt conservative journalists (even if they are few and far between). furthermore, how could you prove "conservatives" in general have a world view that is "in error or selective"? again, if youre going by the stats you provided, and using the "fox viewers" argument, the same argument could then be made about cnn viewers who were also "misinfomed". do liberals, as represented by cnn viewers, have a world view that is in error? the argument doesnt work because there are no doubt conservatives who watch cnn and liberals that watch fox......the only way it would work statistically is if your survey stats broke down viewers as "conservative" or "liberal" in addition to which station they tuned in to.
the only point i was attempting to make with the pew stats is that the media is more liberal than the public by a long shot. perhaps you dont think that influences their bias when it comes to reporting....i have a hard time believing that.
This device of equating having a 'liberal' viewpoint to being a member of an american political party, doesn't work for me in a forum where many of us are not american.
I think we are being confused by terminology here.
in discussions such as these, and in the survey stats i provided, thats what "liberal viewpoint" generally means. of course this doesnt describe everyone who has a liberal viewpoint around the world, but for our purposes here, its pretty much understood as such.
any thoughts on mr. taylor?s claims?.
u.s. demands greater oil output, lower prices.
"finance ministers from the united states and other major industrialized countries, hoping to affect the outcome of a battle within the organization for the petroleum exporting countries, formally demanded yesterday that oil-exporting nations raise production and lower prices to a level 'that is consistent with lasting economic prosperity,'" the new york times reports.
After all, "America is the greatest country" seems to be some sort of mantra to many.
youve never heard me say that, nice try.
The fact is I was responding to an attack that someone else made first so get your facts right.
ive already acknowleded really do read and respond selectively. again you use the two wrongs make a right i said before, way to take the high road.
any thoughts on mr. taylor?s claims?.
u.s. demands greater oil output, lower prices.
"finance ministers from the united states and other major industrialized countries, hoping to affect the outcome of a battle within the organization for the petroleum exporting countries, formally demanded yesterday that oil-exporting nations raise production and lower prices to a level 'that is consistent with lasting economic prosperity,'" the new york times reports.
to state that your country has 10 times the culture that our country does is indeed a slam......its just part of the "we are better" mantra that youve spouting for some time now, even going so far as to say that even though we are both wrong for being in the war, at least your mission names are more p.c. your pissing contests are really pathetic.
big tex-
yes, i know what he was responding to...and yes, he and donkey were both off topic.
any thoughts on mr. taylor?s claims?.
u.s. demands greater oil output, lower prices.
"finance ministers from the united states and other major industrialized countries, hoping to affect the outcome of a battle within the organization for the petroleum exporting countries, formally demanded yesterday that oil-exporting nations raise production and lower prices to a level 'that is consistent with lasting economic prosperity,'" the new york times reports.
Of course, dismissing someone as being in a "postage sized country" is not insulting though right?
when did i say that? i certainly think thats insulting as well.....two things about that though: number one, i didnt say it, and number two, are you saying two wrongs make a right? as long as others are being insulting, its okay for you to insult the history and culture of america? good for you simon, way to take the high road. for some time now youve been claiming that you only disagree with our politics, and that you dont "america bash" can toss all that empty talk into the garbage.
BTW: Could someone explain how discussing the price ofgasPETROL equates to being anti-american?
who said it was? i dont think it is....but i certainly think a brit getting into a pissing contest with an american over who has richer culture and history would qualify. youre not just insulting our politicians now....can you see the difference?