We are going to Beautifulisfrees house. This will be her 2nd annual Halloween party ! So much fun, I can't wait!
I'm still not sure what I'll dress up as though? Last year I went as a butterfly....any suggestions?
this past weekend i decorated my house for halloween, i know its early but i had a free weekend and i love being the first on my block to decorate, i have celebrated halloween for almost 17 years now, i think halloween and christmas are my most favorite holidays.
any one else decorating the house for halloween?
any one planning a halloween party?
We are going to Beautifulisfrees house. This will be her 2nd annual Halloween party ! So much fun, I can't wait!
I'm still not sure what I'll dress up as though? Last year I went as a butterfly....any suggestions?
typically, by the end of the summer, i usually take off some weight due to good exercise and better eating.
then, in late fall and in the winter, it gets tough again.....what do you do to keep the weight off or if you've put a few pounds on how do you keep them off??
eat lots of fast food, to maintain my weight of 138 lbs OH, and I drink lots of coke to wash it down.
Quit Bragging! That's not fair... but you sound like Patrick, he can eat or drink anything and not gain a pound.
I cut out pretty much all soda, and sweets from my diet and only have alcohol on weekends. I excercise 5 days a week, take hour long kick boxing and spinning classes.... it's helped, but I still have a ways to go until I meet my goal.
i had one at school and fortunately it wasn't derogatory as they called me "the brainbox" because i was good at lessons.
Even though my real name is Kristine, most people call me Krissie
My sister and brother call me "Bean"
My husband calls me Babe or Cutie
ahhh, my husband just got offered a job in madison and we are moving!!!
he starts next month.. i'm so excited but yet so scared!
i grew up here , i know my way around, i know the people, my family is here, i have developed so many memories here...i've finally started making new friends.. yes, our goal was to move eventually, to start over.
Are you planning to meet up with OFG (OpenFireGlass) at the Pot Fest
Ohhh tempting ...we shall see! I think that's coming up pretty soon though, might not be settled in by then?!
Juni, you live near Madison right??!
ahhh, my husband just got offered a job in madison and we are moving!!!
he starts next month.. i'm so excited but yet so scared!
i grew up here , i know my way around, i know the people, my family is here, i have developed so many memories here...i've finally started making new friends.. yes, our goal was to move eventually, to start over.
Awwww, hey lover .... I see you are probably gone from work by now.....
home at last
Glad you feel that way Michelle. This IS our new family! I told you, you'd like it here!
ahhh, my husband just got offered a job in madison and we are moving!!!
he starts next month.. i'm so excited but yet so scared!
i grew up here , i know my way around, i know the people, my family is here, i have developed so many memories here...i've finally started making new friends.. yes, our goal was to move eventually, to start over.
Hey Kerj
So when is our first official party going to be?
The PRE - PARTY is THISweekend, here in Marshfield ! Na... We'll all have to get together once we get settled in. That's one plus about moving to Madison...tons to do!
Ohhh don't remind me Woofer...it WILL be a busy time. Once we sell our house ( anyone want a nice duplex?) it should be all down hill from there!
ahhh, my husband just got offered a job in madison and we are moving!!!
he starts next month.. i'm so excited but yet so scared!
i grew up here , i know my way around, i know the people, my family is here, i have developed so many memories here...i've finally started making new friends.. yes, our goal was to move eventually, to start over.
I like to party
Are you SURE Michelle...Prove it!
I'm hijacking my own thread...how pathetic!
ahhh, my husband just got offered a job in madison and we are moving!!!
he starts next month.. i'm so excited but yet so scared!
i grew up here , i know my way around, i know the people, my family is here, i have developed so many memories here...i've finally started making new friends.. yes, our goal was to move eventually, to start over.
Thanks guys.... It's nice to hear some encouraging words. I'm just NOT good with change....so it's hard.
GG/BG---- I AM excited about moving closer to you and hanging out. I know you'll show us a good time. I feel like I know you already from chatting on JWD and E-mailing,so it'll be great to finally meet in person! We'll party it up together... ( yes Michelle, you'll be invited)
ahhh, my husband just got offered a job in madison and we are moving!!!
he starts next month.. i'm so excited but yet so scared!
i grew up here , i know my way around, i know the people, my family is here, i have developed so many memories here...i've finally started making new friends.. yes, our goal was to move eventually, to start over.
Ahhh, my husband just got offered a job in Madison and we are MOVING!!! He starts next month.
I'm so excited but yet so scared! I grew up here , I know my way around, I know the people, my family is here, I have developed so many memories here...I've finally started making new friends.
Yes, our goal was to move eventually, to start over. I do think it'll be good for us, it's a great opportunity. It'll be so nice going to the store and not running into witnoids, that's for sure. I can leave all those bad memories here. I shouldn't be so apprehensive about this!
once an elder asked me if i had any problems with masturbation?
i told him, no !!!!
that was before getting baptized.
GG/BG--- you poor thing! Yes, seriously WTF?! How humiliating!
I was never asked anything nearly that bad...but when I was going over the baptism questions the elder said " you realize now you won't just get a slap on the hand now, you'll get disfellowshipped if you do anything wrong." I was just like....ohhhh, uhhh huh.
But really how encouraging!