Maetel of La Metalle
Joineda Religious Sister (Roman Catholic--read 'nun'), cloistered, and of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel; love Science Fiction & Fantasy, unicorns, LOTR (I *loathe* the 3 recent movies... ), member of The Society for Creative Anacronism, member of the Mars Project; am a lot older than you would think; by profession, training, and experiance---an Anthropologist specializing in Archaeology and Linguistics; I can read The Holy Bible (Catholic or Protestant) in its original languages passibly well; I have personal problems with people who try to convert me---not *because* of the conversion attempt, but this seems to be always rooted in 'opening my eyes' to the TRUELY *evil* Catholic church. Otherwise, despite my religion, I *am* an Anthropolist and try to be as un-pre-prejudiced as that demands. I have attended undergrad & postgrad, highest degree is a Doctorate in Divinity, and am working on a second doctorate (or was until the convent's only computer-printer died the death this month (Sept./06), and replacing a printer is not *technically* a part of a contemplative Order's life. ::sigh::)---there, that's me...