There's still that nagging question about WHY 99% of historians BEFORE this totally atheist blogger and author said Jesus was a real person.
Carrier is one of the most respected people in his field. If you are going to get involved in discussions of this nature, you really do need to keep up with essential reading.
What did all of those historians screw up on that caused them to believe Jesus existed? What did they get wrong?
Because 2,000 years ago some christards wrote a piece of obscene shit and lies called the babble and then murdered anyone who said that they didn't believe it. 2,000 years of turdology has had its effect on mankind Even today, those who claim that the sky wizard doesn't exist are given a hard time - mainly by brainwashed chistards and religtards.
Jesus isn't just ANYONE. He's a mythical being that believers have been responsible for the death of between 100 - 200 million people. That doesn't include the millions that were 'only' raped, pillaged, tortured and enslaved.
You listened to Carrier yet or are you still coming off outdated garbage?